landslide: intensify the search


The manager of operations in the eastern police district, Gisle Sveen, tells Dagbladet that no findings have been made in connection with the search of the landslide area in Gjerdrum on Saturday night.

Throughout the night, rescue teams searched for the missing from the air.

– Crews have continuously worked with monitoring the crash site to see if there should be signs of life, Sveen tells Dagbladet.

Nine people are still missing after the landslide in Gjerdrum. The first death was confirmed on Friday. The person will undergo an autopsy and can be identified on Saturday.

Police have announced that they will begin new searches of the landslide area as soon as dawn breaks. Sunrise is 09/18/2020.

Plans have been made

NVE has released new photos of the landslide area in Gjerdrum. They show enormous destruction. Photo: JARAN WASRUD / NVE
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Sveen says plans have also been made tonight on how to apply on Saturday.

The operational leader of the fire teams, Geir Sønderål, told Dagbladet on Friday night that they will increase the personnel on Saturday in connection with the search in the area of ​​landslides.

– Now comes a USAR team from Trondheim. In addition, the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service (OBRE), which has participated previously, will return tomorrow, Sønderål said on Friday evening.

The leader of the operation, Sveen, does not know until Saturday evening if the USAR team from Trondheim has reached Gjerdrum.

Anders Gylland at Multiconsult Trondheim shows what happens when you add quick clay. Video: NVE
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Stairs up on Saturday

Operational leader Sønderål said on Friday that his crew numbered about 30, and with the reinforcements they will be what he describes as “a little more” on Saturday.

On Friday night, the shore crews withdrew from the landslide area at Ask. It is considered too risky for rescue teams to move on the ground in the landslide zone in the dark. This is partly due to the fact that the edge of the avalanche is difficult to control.

Mayor of Gjerdrum: - Incredibly painful

Mayor of Gjerdrum: – Incredibly painful

The police have announced that they will hold the first Gjerdrum press conference at 09am on Saturday.

At the last police press conference on Friday night, the police made it clear they were looking for survivors.

– Our starting point is that it is still possible to find living people in the landslide area, said the operations manager in the police, Dag André Sylju.
