Landslide in Gjerdrum, Landslide | Policeman:


No finds have been made as of Saturday night.

– Natta has agreed to plan the action today. We will pick up where we left off last night. There are crews on their way out now, and they will make an effort in the same way as yesterday, says operations manager Roy Alkvist during a press conference at 0900, continuing:

– It is still a rescue operation and we hope to find survivors in the area of ​​the landslide.

Collection page: Read all about the Gjerdrum landslide here

Not yet identified

The person who was found dead in the Ask landslide area in Gjerdrum on Friday is still unidentified on Saturday morning. The police don’t know when that might happen.

Alkvist says she has a strong understanding that families who miss someone after the Ask landslide find it frustrating that time passes before the victim is identified.

– We are aware that it is a delicate and sad situation that we are discovered and that we do not receive notifications from relatives. That there are people sitting and wondering who it is. We understand that it is frustrating, he says.

Risky action

The task leader claims that the action itself is quite risky and that conditions at the site are quite similar to Friday. It confirms that no finds were made overnight.

– There have been new shelling in the landslide area in the northeast part of the landslide area overnight, says regional manager Toril Hofshagen at NVE during the press conference.

The sea

Gjerdrum landslide: searching with drones at night

It states that the area is continuously monitored.

– This is a completely unique and tragic rapid clay landslide. Today, there is no greater risk of rapid clay landslides in other parts of the country than before Christmas, Hofshagen continues.

Early Saturday, it became clear that Swedish rescue forces left Gjerdrum, Expressen reported. Alkvist said during the press conference that it was not aware that they had left the area, but was able to confirm that rescue teams had been requested from Trondheim.

Nine people were missing

On Saturday morning, nine people are still missing after the rapid clay landslide at Ask in Gjerdrum.

On Friday, police found a person dead within the area of ​​the landslide, who has not been identified. They expect the autopsy and identity to be clarified on Saturday.

Ground crews finished work in the landslide area around 5 p.m. Friday when it got dark.

Operations Manager Gisle Sveen in the Eastern Police District has told NTB that the search area will be expanded somewhat.

– We take our starting point on the road that has been prepared to the area, and from there we expand the search, he said.

The sea

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