Laila Anita Bertheussen, Tor Mikkel Wara


Defendant Laila Anita Bertheussen believes that she is the victim in the case. Now PST will tell how they investigated the case against her.

The article is continually updated.

OSLO DISTRICT COURT (Nettavisen): On December 6, 2018, the house and car of then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara were vandalized. Someone had tagged the word racist. Also, a swastika was marked on the car.

When the Police Security Service (PST) launched the investigation, they had four theories about who might be behind it, the investigation’s leader, Kim Ruderaas Sæter, explained in court:

  • The action was performed by people who were associated with the theatrical production “Ways of seeing”
  • People who were inspired by “Ways of seeing”
  • Someone who wanted the police to focus on “Ways of Seeing”
  • No connection to theater production

The house was filmed

The prosecution believes that the motive of the defendant Laila Anita Bertheussen, a partner of Wara, seemed upset because the facade of her house in Oslo had been used in the play Ways of Seeing at the Black Box theater, and that it had been hung in public as “A link with the Ministry of Justice”.

He also wrote about frustration in a VG article.

Bertheussen is charged with a number of crimes, including several violations of the grave provision that threatens democracy and their own coexistence, Wara, and the couple Ingvil Smines and Christian Tybring-Gjedde (see separate data box below on the indictment)

Bertheussen has always denied criminal guilt for everything he is accused of.

– It was a clear message. It was written in ink on the vehicle and on the house. We think that the work Ways of seeing as a possible background. The residence of the Minister of Justice had just been filmed and there was a public debate. No incidents had been recorded around Wara before, Ruderaas Sæter said.

Wara was also interrogated at the place where he explained that he had woken up at 02:30 at night to check what it was.


Click the pic to enlarge.  Laila Anita Bertheussen during her explanation at the Oslo District Court on Wednesday.  The press cannot photograph Bertheussen as a defendant in a criminal case.  That is why the media uses cartoons of her.

Laila Anita Bertheussen during her explanation at the Oslo District Court on Wednesday. The press cannot photograph Bertheussen as a defendant in a criminal case. That is why the media uses cartoons of her.
Photo: Drawing: Egil Nyhus / NTB scanpix

Bertheussen follows the case from behind the scenes

Bertheussen was not in his place when court day began in the Oslo courthouse on Thursday.

His defense attorney, John Christian Elden, said he would follow the proceedings from another room on the screen and enter the courtroom if necessary. His partner Tor Mikkel Wara was also not present in the room.

During her gratuitous explanation in court on Wednesday, Laila Anita Bertheussen said that the Police Security Service (PST) had apparently forgotten that she was also a victim in the case. She also criticized PST for having tunnel vision and for conducting a one-sided investigation against herself.

PST was also criticized for leaking information to the media. However, during questioning of prosecutors Marit Formo and Frederik G. Ranke, it emerged that Bertheussen himself had leaked photos and information to various outlets (see separate data book below with a chronology of the various incidents).


Also read: Laila Anita Bertheussen created a fake Facebook account to throw her lip at Per Sandberg

Wara exposed to threats and vandalism

In the period from December 6, 2018 to March 10, 2019, Wara was exposed to various unpleasant episodes such as labeling the word “racist” on the wall of the house and in the car, labeling a cake cross in the car, fire in the car and the trash can, also received threatening letters.

Wara himself has stated that he thought the attacks were bad and that they were seen as a threat to democracy.

  • Last weekend, the online newspaper covered some of the evidence that the Police Security Service believes it has against Bertheussen. These include:
  • A red marker found in the house.
  • Data from the health app that reports on your movement pattern.
  • Offended by Tor Mikkel Wara’s own explanation.
  • Biblical analysis where experts determine that Bertheussen’s handwriting is almost identical to the handwriting of at least one of the threatening letters.

None of the questions on Wednesday referred to the specific crimes Bertheussen is charged with.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Laila Anita Bertheussen was arrested by the police on March 14, 2019. The house was then searched.  A few days earlier, the family car of then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara was started.  PST believes Bertheussen was behind this, but she denies criminal guilt.

Laila Anita Bertheussen was arrested by the police on March 14, 2019. The house was then searched. A few days earlier, the family car of then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara was started. PST believes Bertheussen was behind this, but she denies criminal guilt.
Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

However, the prosecution believes that the house was dirty and the car tried to start, it did not seem so upset.

– We believe that the reason for the events may be opposed to your reaction to this work. This is the focus that has been on many falsehoods through Facebook posts, in chat groups, almost in direct contact with journalists to feed the press with photos. It was also a long-term approach, says prosecutor Frederik Ranke, who along with prosecutor Marit Formo forms the prosecution in the case.

Bertheussen made a drawing of a provider and a security system that did not work well with the way of life of the little family in Røa.

Often most of the alarm system was not working or was actively disconnected by Bertheussen, who with his health problems and hobby activities allowed himself to be disturbed by the advanced technical system.
