Labor Party, ODM | Filmmaker Tough Against Labor / ODM Collaboration in Oslo


The Labor Party’s marriage to the MDGs in Oslo is a good example of political suicide, writes Netflix filmmaker and producer Per-Olav Sørensen in a comment on Nettavisen on Tuesday.

The well-known filmmaker has just signed on as a new regular commentator on Nettavisen and is cracking down on the ruling parties in Oslo politics.

– I must have a place to take out my irritation, vettu, laughs.

In yesterday’s comment, he uses the Kongsveien closure on Nordstrand in Oslo as an example of how bad it can go when the Labor Party, as his own parents always voted, no longer understands the daily lives of its voters and literally closes the road. 52,000 inhabitants.

Here you can read the post: On the MDGs in Oslo, the sheep farmers in Nordland and the fall of the Labor Party

He also visits Labor Party representative Jan Bøhler’s transition to the Center Party, and writes that for the regular adult voter in Oslo, it is “a much shorter path to the Center Party sheep farmer in Nordland than to the MDG rider. in Grunerløkka “.

He thinks it is completely incomprehensible that the Labor Party in Oslo or centrally does not understand this.

Per-Olav Sørensen is one of Norway’s most prominent filmmakers and is behind television series such as Half brother, The heavy water war in NRK and Nobel – peace at any price. In awards he has won both the Prix Europa, Rose d’Or, Prix Italia and the Swedish Crystal, as well as 2 x Norwegian Gullruten for Best Series and Best Director.

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As a director of Netflix, he drew attention Quiksand – The Greatest of Alland not least the Christmas success Home for Christmas, where Sørensen is currently putting the finishing touches to work to get the second season ready for December.

– Don’t you seem like you have a very good time to write comments?

– Actually, there are two sides to the same problem. Whether you are involved in theater or politics, it is important to stay informed. I have some training to find what worries people.

What strikes him most about the Labor Party, which at this point appears to have less than 20 percent support, is that it seems as if they have forgotten who their voters are and what is important to them.

– It’s like when we do a television series. We need to know who we are doing it for, who the viewers are. We do this through analysis and painstaking work, he says.

At the same time, he is aware that voters do not need circus performers. The large electorate will have a long-term strategy, and perhaps a bit boring, so that people can plan their daily lives.

– Not like in Kongsveien, for example, where the city hall suddenly closed an entire district the size of Bodø, without warning.

But Sørensen is also concerned with big fundamental issues, like freedom of speech and the old cartoon controversy, for example. He thinks it was strange looking at him.

– It must be good to draw and bad to kill. The gray areas that the Labor Party tested at the time, many were stunned, Per-Olav Sørensen tells Nettavisen.

Read more from Per-Olav Sørensen here: The ways Norway views Laila Anita Bertheussen
