Knife attack, Nice | – At least two dead and several injured in a knife attack on a church in Nice


French police confirm that a police operation has been launched following a possible knife attack on the Notre-Dame church in Nice. Witnesses report that at least two were stabbed.

Police confirm on Twitter that the police operation is taking place due to an alleged knife attack. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has called a crisis meeting and, at the same time, is asking people to stay away from the area.

According to the AFP news agency, authorities claim that one person was killed after his neck was cut. French Prime Minister Jean Castex immediately suspended an assembly to attend the crisis meeting, several French media reported.

French television channel BFMTV reports that at least two people were killed and several others injured in the attack on the Notre-Dame church on Avenue Jean-Medicin, Nice’s main street. The attack is said to have taken place at 09:00 on Thursday morning.

The newspaper Le Figaro writes that a woman and a man are the dead and that explosions were heard in the neighborhood. The French television channel writes that the alleged perpetrator has been arrested and that at this time a security zone has been established around the church.

According to local reporters, both the army and the police have moved to the shopping street and an area around the church has been cordoned off. The bomb squad must also be in place.

Click the pic to enlarge.  The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice.

The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice.
Photo: (Datawrapper)

The mayor of the city, Christian Estrosi, says that there has been a possible terrorist attack.

– I’m on the scene with the police, who arrested the perpetrator. I confirm that everything indicates that this is a terrorist attack, writes Estrosi Twitter.
