Klaveness thinks there have been too many international matches – announces meeting with UEFA – VG


SKEPTIC: – The big question is whether it is right to have so much pressure on the national team when the infection is so great. I think that was not cool, Lise Klaveness tells VG. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

The elite director of the Norwegian Football Association, Lise Klaveness (39), questions whether it was right to have such great pressure on the national team with the current infection situation in Europe. Now he announces a meeting with UEFA.

– We were prepared for the fact that there would be more infected in the squad, due to the great pressure of contagion throughout Europe and in Norway. Of course it’s a claw to the stomach when you confirm it, but we were prepared for that, Klaveness tells VG.

News came in on Friday morning that three more players tested positive for crown.

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Norway’s international match against Romania was canceled after Omar Elabedellaoui tested positive. Now Marius Lode, Patrick Berg and Markus Henriksen have the virus.

– This case confirms how important it is that someone who has been in close contact with other infected, is in ten days of quarantine. Even if a close contact is negative, the person in question must be quarantined for 10 days after the close contact took place. This case confirms how important it is for everyone to follow the rules, says Health Minister Bent Høie (H) to VG.

CRITICAL: The Minister of Health, Bent Høie (H), made a strong recommendation not to travel to Romania. The original A national team never traveled to Romania. Photo: Berit Roald

First, the private international match against Israel was canceled after an Israeli tennis player tested positive.

Then a big debate began about whether Norway should travel to Romania, which ended with the health authorities with a strong recommendation not to play the game. UEFA decided the match was set for a 3-0 defeat by Norway.

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High in national team matches: – Both would be illegal in Norway

Norway had to send an “emergency national team” to Austria to end the match, a match that ended 1-1.

– This week has been demanding, we have been in a difficult division between the Norwegian regulations and what the other countries follow in the UEFA protocol. The clubs here at home have done a formidable job with infection control throughout the year. There has been almost no infection. This is the most important thing now. To protect club football, says Klaveness.

– Are you afraid that people now think you were wrong?

– No, we must tolerate people criticizing us. We represent members of the largest sport in Norway. This is not black and white. We have had a very good dialogue with the health authorities in recent days and we want to maintain a good climate of cooperation in the future, says Klaveness – and continues:

– But when the plane is in Gardermoen and the plane leaves, and they were matches that were planned for a long time, we had to rely on the regulations in force, both in Norway and in the UEFA protocol. The big question is whether it is right to have so much pressure on the national team when the infection is so great. I think that was not right.

– Should the NFF take self-criticism in any area?

– Yes. We have to. We probably should have taken action earlier on how to proceed with potential outbreaks. The big question is whether the pressure from the national team should be so great when the pressure of contagion in society is so mounting and club football so vulnerable before the end of the season. football club is the most important thing we do in such a year. From a medical point of view, these cases of infection are not problematic. The players are doing well and they are protected from society. But UEFA, and we as a member nation, have only to admit that it became too communicative, political and emotional to demand so many international matches at this stage.

– Can you explain what you mean by the pressure from the national team is too great?

– Until this window, national team football has been able to roll and continue within UEFA protocol and it has worked very well. Now that the pressure of infection is so great across Europe, we see that there have been many cases of infection in many national teams. In light of the change in the infection situation and also because club football in the respective countries faces a vulnerable end to the season, it was a mistake to run full rounds of the Nations League under the prevailing circumstances.

– Why has no one in the NFF taken responsibility before entering into dialogue with UEFA?

– NFF has had an ongoing dialogue with UEFA and it has become clear that the matches settled. Like the rest of Europe, it was used as a base. Norway is one of the countries with the lowest infection pressure in Europe. Now we have to enter into a new dialogue with UEFA to the press to make adjustments to the protocol. In hindsight, there is no reason to wonder whether these international matches should have been played.

– We will now take the initiative to meet with UEFA to review the entire protocol given the recent development of the infection. UEFA’s protocol is designed to capture and control infection in order to limit infection in troops, but the most important thing is to prevent the infection from spreading to society. This has been done very well in Europe so far. But the protocol must be adjusted in light of recent developments to further protect players and support staff.

Now it will be a longer period without international matches. The next planned meeting of the national team is in March.

Before that time, among other things, the Elite Series will be completed. Bodø / Glimt team principal Håvard Sakariassen confirms that the match against Strømsgodset will go as planned.

It is not yet confirmed whether Brann against Rosenborg will do so. NFF top Nils FIsketjønn has previously stated that the Eliteserien “does not tolerate many more postponements.”

The case is being updated!

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