Kjerkol and Giske want a fresh start for the party – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio


Three weeks ago, “all of Norway” followed the annual meeting of the Trøndelag Labor Party.

Trond Giske and Ingvild Kjerkol were central to the dispute, which ended with Giske’s removal from office as county party leader and Kjerkol’s appointment as leader after a bank proposal.

The new leader is touring Trøndelag, from home team to home team, to “reboot” after the county’s turbulent annual meeting.

– We must dedicate enough time to what has been wrong in our organization. “I have said that we are going to shake up what needs to be shaken in the bud so that we can focus on the great political work that voters expect of us,” says Kjerkol.

Trønderhovedstaden and the biggest local team, Trondheim Arbeiderparti, were the first stop.

There Trond Giske appeared.

Giske: – Angry on my behalf.

Voters are fleeing the Trøndelag Labor Party like never before. Showed a poll last week.

As voters flee, several members have also resigned from the party.

On the way to Monday night’s meeting, Trond Giske said that someone has turned their back on the party because they support it:

– I know at least that there are some who have sat on the fence, and maybe they left us, because they are angry for me. But I hope everyone contributes to us achieving a change of government, Giske said.

Portrait photo of Trond Giske

NEEDS CHANGE: Trond Giske believes that the Labor Party must listen to the voters and change.

Photo: Stein Roar Leite / NRK

He himself had hoped to contribute to it as leader of the Trøndelag Labor Party, until he was shipwrecked three weeks ago. On Monday evening he attended the meeting as a member of Trondheim Ap.

He thinks he is right to ask at the meeting, and he justifies it with his 35 years of experience in the party.

Think the party needs a change

Now he is concerned that the party should listen to the voters, because they are not wrong, he emphasizes. He says that “the voters are the boss of politics.”

– When voters say they don’t recognize us, we are the ones who must change. So we are the ones who must be clearer and show the good social democratic values ​​that have built this country. He was hoping to do so as leader of the Trøndelag Labor Party. But I’ll do it no matter what role I have, says Giske.

In this way, he will fight for Norway to change its government in September 2021. But he will not be re-elected to the Storting.

Don’t win the election without a strong Trøndelag

The low opinion polls, both in Trøndelag and in the rest of the country, worry the party secretary, Kjersti Stenseng. She was with Kjerkol at the Trondheim meeting.

– We will not win the elections if we do not have a strong Trøndelag Labor Party, and it is a common job for us, says Stenseng.

Kjersti Stenseng and Gunn Elin Høgli greet each other in a friendly way with the crown, side by side.

FIRST STOP: At the Trondheim meeting, among others Gunn Elin Høgli (right), Trondheim Deputy Leader Ap. Ingvild Kjerkol (back) will visit several of the local teams in Trøndelag Ap.

Photo: Johannes Børstad / NRK

The party secretary has respect for the fact that it has long been difficult for Labor politicians in Trøndelag to do politics.

– Trondheim and Trøndelag have been through tough times for quite some time. We will spend time discussing how to strengthen our organizational culture, build a team, and mobilize for a common struggle and cooperation next year.
