Kjell Inge Røkke, Jan Erik Iversen


You think you can’t get to the bottom of the matter. – Amazing. He’s a police coward, torpedo Jan Erik Iversen tells Nettavisen.

In November last year, Nettavisen reported the news that the Oslo police opened an alleged investigation case to determine whether they should launch a full investigation of billionaire Kjell Inge Røkke for alleged torpedo activities.

Simply put, an investigative case is something that the police conduct to determine whether to fully investigate potential criminal offenses.

It was last fall that the torpedo Jan Erik “Jannik” Iversen claimed to Nettavisen that he had taken over various torpedo assignments for Røkke.

The accusations also became a topic in the trial that followed shortly after, where Iversen was sentenced to 20 months in prison for blackmailing Røkke out of between 6 and 20 million crowns.

Therefore, they abandon the investigation

After almost a year of investigations and evaluations, the police decided not to investigate Røkke for the alleged torpedo activity. This was made clear at a police meeting on Thursday.

– Based on the information we have about the case from before and the information that has emerged in the trial, in addition to the information that we have made in an investigation phase, it has been decided that we will not initiate any investigation against Røkke, says the prosecutor in the Oslo Audun police district. Kristiansen to Nettavisen.

– Part of the basis of the evaluation has been whether there is a reasonable reason to believe that we can achieve an objective with a possible investigation. Based on a general assessment, we believe it is not.

Also read: Here the torpedo goes to jail to serve the sentence for extortion against Kjell Inge Røkke

Click the pic to enlarge.  Audun Kristiansen in the Oslo police district (file photo).  The picture shows Kristiansen sitting at a table on a podium in a police uniform in connection with a press conference on an earlier occasion.

Audun Kristiansen in the Oslo police district (file photo).
Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB

The torpedo is disappointed with the police decision.

– It is incredible that they can reach such a decision. It is cowardly for the police not to investigate the case and get the truth out. I do not expect justice, I do not ask for justice, but I do demand that the police do their job, Iversen told Nettavisen from prison after having been in eastern Norway.

Police Chief Kristiansen does not want to go into detail about what information the police have investigated, who they have spoken to and how they have evaluated the information they have.

Also read: Here the torpedo looks for Kjell Inge Røkke in Aker’s garage

In his trial against the torpedo last fall, Iversen claimed that Røkke had offered him NOK 100 million to “eliminate” convicted investor Christer Tromsdal. It is said that he received the offer in several rounds, the first time in 2000/01.

According to Iversen, Røkke should have withdrawn the assignment in December 2002. But in the spring of 2003, the torpedo assignment towards Tromsdal should have been updated again.

In the spring of 2004, after a currency dispute in a car, Iversen shot Tromsdal in the knee.

The online newspaper is aware that the police have discussed the Tromsdal shooting. Kristiansen confirms the information.

– It is part of the total evaluation base, yes. But I don’t comment on it anymore.

Also read: Torpedo on possible prison sentence: – So I just change the bed I have today for another

Click the pic to enlarge.  John Christian Elden represents Kjell Inge Røkke.  The picture shows Elden in the Oslo District Court standing at his desk.

John Christian Elden represents Kjell Inge Røkke.
Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

This is how Røkke reacted

Røkke is represented by star attorney John Christian Elden. You do not unexpectedly believe that the police made a correct assessment.

– It is natural that there is no investigation. Police have information from the time the shooting took place in Tromsdal, where they have audio recordings of what happened in the car between Iversen and Tromsdal. They know what it’s about and that it has nothing to do with Røkke, Elden tells Nettavisen.

– It is obvious that when you combine this with the accusations that Iversen makes now and they do not agree, it is difficult to foresee a further investigation.

– How does Røkke react when the police do not investigate him?

– You think it’s completely natural when this was investigated a few years ago and dismissed as something that was not true.

Also read: These SMS can catch the torpedo in the extortion case against Kjell Inge Røkke

Filming episode after money dispute

In 2006, the torpedo was convicted of shooting Tromsdal in the knee. The case was like a confession case. In that judgment, neither the Røkke missions nor the torpedoes were mentioned. It is also clear from the verdict that the Tromsdal shot was fired by chance.

In the verdict of the extortion case against Røkke last year, they left the torpedo no credibility on the extortion part, nor on the explanation for the torpedo’s activity of “eliminating” Tromsdal.

Also read: The star lawyers and Røkke’s son must be on the witness stand

The sentence says:

Tromsdal, in his explanation to the court, dismissed the defendant’s story as purely “wet” and, according to attorney Elden, who was the defendant’s defense attorney in the relevant criminal case, there are also audio recordings confirming that the shooting was a accident. The defendant’s explanation on this point therefore seems artificial and completely without credibility. “

Click the pic to enlarge.  Kjell Inge Røkke confronts the Jan Erik Iversen torpedo in Aker's garage in Fornebu on November 1, 2017. Photo: (Aker)

Kjell Inge Røkke faces off against the Jan Erik Iversen torpedo at Aker’s garage in Fornebu on November 1, 2017.
Photo: (Aker)

Also read: Here the torpedo looks for Kjell Inge Røkke in Aker’s garage

Elden says he listened to the audiotapes of the shooting episode, something he also testified about at the Iversen trial last year.

– The accusations have been rejected by the police for a long time. The only ones who bring up this issue again are the media, not the police. It is a bigger problem for the media to throw themselves on repeated complaints that have been rejected than for the police to make a new assessment.

– For people to make such accusations, you just have to endure, like everyone else in prominent positions.

– Not giving up

Iversen’s attorney, Benedict de Vibe, is determined to continue working on the case.

– Neither Iversen nor we have given up. We are well on our way and hope to find more links to identifiable people who can get the police to reconsider their position. This will be used to promote a petition to reopen the extortion case against Iversen. Then it will be relevant to take a new round of sentences. The 20-month sentence was a very strict reaction, de Vibe tells Nettavisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Benedict de Vibe is the torpedo defender Jan Erik Iversen.

Benedict de Vibe is the torpedo defender Jan Erik Iversen.
Photo: Farid Ighoubah / Nettavisen

The background to the conflict between Iversen and Røkke will be a newspaper article in VG from June 2017.

In the article “The Battle for Røkke’s Secret Recordings”, both Røkke and Iversen are mentioned as part of a larger case complex. Elden had previously told NRK that the article is the reason for the blackmail situation that is said to have arisen.

According to Elden and Iversen’s explanation in court, it was only after the VG case in the summer of 2017 that the torpedo accused Røkke of an unresolved relationship between the two.

According to NRK, Elden has previously stated that VG has been used as a means of blackmail against Røkke. VG editor-in-chief Gard Steiro has denied these allegations.
