King Harald’s great grief when his mother died: – A terrible loss.


It is in the book “The King Counts”, written by Harald Stanghelle, that King Harald (83) openly recounts his feelings after his mother died at the age of 53.

– It was a house of mourning. Mostly I had to process this myself. There was no one to talk to about this, but one of Dad’s good friends brought it up. He understood how I felt. I don’t know if the fact that I lost my mother was resolved that much. But life had to go on. I had tosays King Harald in candid conversations.

Strongly attached to mother

Märtha Sofia Lovisa Dagmar Thyra was the Crown Princess of Norway from 1929 to 1954. She was born a Norwegian-Swedish princess in Stockholm on March 28, 1901 and was the daughter of Prince Carl of Sweden and Princess Ingeborg of Denmark.

The princess became engaged to her cousin, then Crown Prince Olav, during the Amsterdam Olympic Games in 1928. The couple married on March 21, 1929. The alliance was interpreted as a symbol of injuries following the dissolution of the union had been repaired. , according to the Norwegian Royal Family.

His only son, Harald, was strongly attached to his mother. He was inconsolable when his mother passed away. At the time, Harald was only 17 years old. His two older sisters were already adults, while his father was busy with his royal duties.

Read also: The king was a bit embarrassed when tears welled up during the July 22 speech.

(The article continues below the video)

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– I didn’t really say goodbye

– We knew well in advance that there was only one way. I’m not really sure if she even knew how imminent it was. Maybe just as well for her, but I really couldn’t say goodbye. It was a difficult time, but worse for King Olav I think tells King Harald in the book, reproduced by, among others.

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Crown Princess Märtha is described as a woman with a great capacity for work and an open and winning nature. Together with Crown Prince Olav, they became a popular couple among Norwegians.

King Harald still thinks that it was more difficult for his father to lose his beloved. King Olav lived as a widower until his death on January 17, 1991. But King Harald’s five-year-old sister, Princess Astrid, believes her brother was vulnerable when their mother died.

The sister: – Harald was a very sensitive age.

– When Mom died, Harald was a very sensitive age. He had been very close to his mother. My mother was very ill in recent years and therefore was more at home than usual. So she and Harald were much closer together. For him it must have been a terrible loss, tells in the book «The king counts».

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Crown Princess Märtha and the three children crossed the border into Sweden the same night that Germany attacked Norway and Norway on April 9, 1940. On August 12, they traveled to the United States, at the invitation of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom King Harald describes as a grandfather.

– I did not understand anything

Five years later, on June 7, 1945, the Crown Princess returned to Norway with her children and King Haakon, before meeting Crown Prince Olav.

In Rådhuskaia, they were greeted by a huge sea of ​​people who overwhelmed the royal family.

– I did not understand anything. It was absolutely overwhelming, all the people, the cheers, the flags and all the boats that met us on the way. It was almost as if you could walk barefoot around Drøbaksundetsays the king in the book.

Heart surgery

In October, the King underwent heart valve surgery in Rikshospitalet. He also underwent a similar operation on the heart valve between the heart and the main artery in 2005.

Crown Prince Haakon paid tribute to his father when he spoke about his father’s health.

– I’m lucky that I am too. That he has an open father, who is a good mentor to take him on the road. I also think we have a good collaboration, said the Crown Prince.

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