Kari Elisabeth Kaski tops the list for Oslo SV. Marian Hussein captured second place


Kari Elisabeth Kaski tops the list for Oslo SV ahead of next year’s parliamentary elections. Newcomer Marian Hussein is nominated for second place. Petter Eide lost the battle for third place.

Marian Hussein has met at the Storting as deputy representative. Starting next fall, he will in all probability be a permanent representative. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Marian Hussein (34) was the first Norwegian Somali to speak from the Storting rostrum. This happened when he met as deputy representative of Oslo SV at the Storting in June last year. She is also the first to enter the pulpit in the hijab.

At a digital nomination meeting in Oslo SV on Monday evening, Hussein was nominated for a safe second place on the Oslo SV list.

The party currently has two representatives in the Storting, but party optimists expect three after next fall’s elections.

Will work towards greater differences

– I want the Storting to do something about the growing differences in society. I am a social worker and I see the importance of social justice, says Marian Hussein.

She adds that she is also very concerned about the good welfare schemes and emphasizes that they have been “part of our preparation” for this year’s pandemic.

– That we have good layoff plans, unemployment benefits, severance benefits and care benefits are important issues for me, he says.

Hussein works front line at Nav in Oslo.

– The Norwegian asylum and refugee policy also affects me a lot, he says.

From Østerdalen to Groruddalen

He was born in Somalia and came to Norway when he was ten years old.

– But I won’t be the first with a refugee background to get a permanent place, she says. Aps Masud Gharahkhani also came to Norway as a refugee. Got a permanent spot in 2017.

Marian Hussein grew up at Stovner in Groruddalen in Oslo, but lived the first years at Os in Østerdalen. However, the dialect is not marked by the fact that he lived in Hedmark for a year and a half.

– I have some words that appear from time to time, she says.

Now he lives in Old Oslo.

Leads the SV inclusion committee

The SV politician is a social worker and, among other things, has worked as a nursing assistant, environmental therapist, research assistant and in the child welfare service.

He is currently on the SV program committee and leads the SV inclusion committee. He has been a member of the city committee in Old Oslo.

If all goes according to plan and she enters the Storting from October next year, she has clear wishes for committee elections.

– There are two committees that are important to do something about the growing differences. It is the labor and social committee and the municipal committee, he says.

He adds that as a beginner he would like to sit in one of them alongside Hedmark SV veteran Karin Andersen. This assumes that SV has a relatively large group and can run for two on some committees.

Kari Elisabeth Kaski is SV’s fiscal policy spokesperson. On Monday evening, she was nominated for first place on the Oslo SV parliamentary list. Photo: Terje Pedersen

Thanks Petter Eide

The nominating committee proposed Kaski’s re-election in the first place and he did.

With Hussein in second place, the party violates the principle of all other women and men on the list.

A round of consultations in Oslo SV ended with a widespread desire to put Hussein in second place.

Today, Oslo SV meets Kaski and Petter Eide at the Storting. Andreas Skjalg Unneland, former SU leader, was nominated in third place by a majority on the nominating committee, while a minority nominated Eide at this location.

After some digital trial and error, it was decided that Unneland emerged victorious from the vote – it received 327 of the 534 votes cast.

Optimists expect three

After this vote, Petter Eide is out of the Storting as of next fall. He was elected in 2017. Whether Unneland will enter the Althing will be decided in September next year.

– Three permanent representatives are within our reach, said the nominating committee leader Andreas Borud. He believed that some polls gave hope in this regard.

Petter Eide was ranked second in SV’s Oslo in 2017. Two members of the nominating committee wanted him third. At Monday’s meeting, he lost the battle for this place. Photo: Vidar Ruud
