Justice Minister: Investigation shatters myths about police reform


The figures appear in the Policing Capacity Survey.

– There is a general criticism of the police reform that there will be fewer police officers, especially in the districts. In addition, it is alleged that the police do not prioritize everyday crime. The police capacity survey shows that these accusations are not correct, says Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Monica Mæland (H).

The survey also shows that there is room for improvement. Police work at the scene accounts for only 4 percent of the total time spent by patrols, while 11 percent is used to write reports at the police station.

This is the time spent driving to the workplace or the police station, transcribing audio-recorded interrogations, creating briefs, and documenting other steps of the investigation. The survey recommends new solutions to reduce time spent writing reports.

– This underscores the importance of technological improvements that can be made to streamline the work of the police patrol. Here we have reinforced the police. A lot has happened with the use of digital tools, says Justice Minister Mæland.
