Justice Minister apologizes after NRK broadcast – VG


IT WAS ON TV TV DEBATE: Minister of Justice Monica Mæland (H). Photo: Tore Kristiansen, VG

ODM politicians reacted to the fact that Justice Minister Monica Mæland did not comply with statements during the NRK “Debate” yesterday that he and other named Muslims should be deported.

On Thursday night, the leader Lars Thorsen of the anti-Islamic group SIAN named several Muslims who he believes should be “deported or detained” during an interrogation on the NRK television program “Debatten”.

Among the people Thorsen singled out were Shoaib Sultan, an elected politician in the Green Party, Basim Ghozlan, former deputy director of the Islamic Council of Norway, and his wife Lena Larsen.

Lars Thorsen has previously been convicted of incitement to hatred.

Justice Minister Monica Mæland was also present and participated in the television broadcast shortly after.

– I perceived it as that Mæland was very clear about SIAN’s right to say what they want to say and that he condemned the violence of the counter-protesters very clearly. I agree with both, but wish she would clearly distance herself from the fact that the SIAN leader connected me and other named Muslims with horrible acts and his demand that we should be deported from Norway or detained for life, says Sultan to VG at night.

ANSWER: Shoaib Sultan (ODM) reacts strongly to the fact that Justice Minister Monica Mæland did not come out against SIAN’s demands that her friends should be detained or deported for being Muslim. Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes, VG

Earlier today, Vårt Land published a Sultan column in which he took a hard line with Mæland not to condemn the statements by Thorsen and SIAN.

VG contacted the Ministry of Justice this afternoon and asked why it did not accept the SIAN leader’s request for the deportation and detention of Muslims.

– No one should tolerate being exposed to hate speech and racism. It is a crime and should be absent. In the Debate, I also noted that I have a strong understanding that most of us perceive what SIAN says as offensive. If Shoaib Sultan perceives that I was not clear enough in his defense and that of others, I apologize for that, it was by no means the intention, says Mæland in a statement sent to VG.

The sultan says he appreciates the apologies.

– I’m glad you’re saying now that you wanted to make that clear. And you allow yourself not to be as clear as you really would like.

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