Julianne Nygård: – Field for this:


On Tuesday it emerged that Julianne “Pilotfrue” Nygård (30) had been fired by the Professional Influencers Marketing Committee (FIM) for having recommended a meal replacement for pregnant women.

The committee is constituted to reduce body pressure in children, youth and adults, and has a reporting system where influencers can be reported if there is a suspicion of non-compliance with ethical guidelines.

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Nygård stated that the product helped her with a varied diet and gave her motivation during and after pregnancy. She and her husband Ulrik Nygård (40) became parents for the second time in early January.

The influencer herself denies having announced the meal replacement, as FIM claims. Nygård shared a collaborative post with Protein.no on Instagram in October, where she announced protein bars.

MARRIED: Julianne Nygård has two sons Søren and Severin along with her husband Ulrik Nygård.  Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and hear

PRESENT: Julianne Nygård has two children Søren and Severin along with her husband Ulrik Nygård. Photo: Andreas Fadum / See and hear
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However, his photos from the same post were used in a meal replacement ad on Protein.no’s Facebook pages.

The 30-year-old reacts to the fact that she was killed even though she has not directly announced the meal replacement.

– I consider this sentence unfair because I have been sentenced for an advertisement that I do not defend myself. So I also find the FIM very frivolous in the way they use my name just to get attention, even though they know I’m not the one responsible, Nygård tells Se og Hør.

REACTIONS RECEIVED: Julianne Nygård, known as “Pilot Wife”, is pregnant with her second child. When she chose to share a video where she gained weight, she generated reactions.
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The 30-year-old further says that she does not want to contribute to body pressure in her channels and claims that she is a healthy role model when it comes to exercise and diet.

– Special

Protein.has not used the “Pilotfrue” text and photos to advertise another product, the meal replacement, on Facebook.

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Challenge in marriage: – Close

– I think it is special that they send me to recommend a product that I have never tried or commercialized, says Nygård to Se og Hør.

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In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

However, the head of the Influencers Marketing Technical Committee secretariat, Wenche Jacobsen, tells VG that Nygård has responsibility for her own marketing and how it is used by those who sponsor her.

FIELD: Julianne Nygård was selected for this position, something to which she reacts strongly.  Photo: screenshot

HE FELT: Julianne Nygård was fired for this position, to which she reacts strongly. Photo: screenshot
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– She must answer for it. She must take responsibility for how her marketing is used, Jacobsen tells the newspaper.

The head of the secretariat tells Se og Hør that Nygård has not been acquitted of liability even though she does not advertise the product directly on her own channels.

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The incubator was full of blood

– First, you have a collaboration with Protein.no. You have to be careful and meticulous about how you appear in what partners do, Wenche Jacobsen tells Se og Hør.

In the FIM decision, Protein.no comes up with an answer where they believe the complaint is “thin and rubbish”.

“It is true that pregnant women can use the Slim Meal Replacement. Why should this be negative that we don’t fully understand? Most people who have been pregnant know how difficult it can be to get enough nutrition. Most of the people who have become pregnant have constant nausea, lack of appetite, yes, in general many people struggle to get what they need, “they write in the answer.

The FIM found in the decision that Julianne Nygård has violated its ethical guidelines for influencer advertising. It is worth mentioning that FIM is a self-justice scheme.

What motivation and why is it not stated in the text. In general, the impression is left that Slim meal replacements are recommended for pregnant women. The name of the product shows, in the opinion of FIM, that it is a product to stay slim. The FIM believes that influencer marketing of the meal replacement causes body pressure, ”they wrote in the press release that was sent out on Tuesday.

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Reveal an unusual baby name

In this round, the FIM has also dealt with a complaint against the influencer Renate Eggen. The complaint concerned before and after images of weight loss after a lifestyle change.

The committee concluded that this was not a violation of the guidelines.

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