Judged the match where “sweeper” was used as an insult


– For me, it has always been a completely natural part of life, Hagen tells Glåmdalen.

Tom Harald Hagen has been one of Norway’s most prominent soccer referees for the past 14 years.

The day after he refereed the match between Vålerenga and Kristiansund, where Flamur Kastrati of the guests came into focus because he called VIF coach Dag-Eilev Fagermo a “fucking street sweeper”, Hagen stands out as gay.

He does so in a longer interview with the Glåmdalen newspaper.

– I don’t want this to be angled as if I stand out as gay. For me, it has always been a completely natural part of life. You ask me if I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but I haven’t. I’ve been with girls and I haven’t announced it to anyone. The same has been natural when I had a male partner, Hagen says in the interview.

Click the pic to enlarge.  APPEARS: Profiled judge Tom Harald Hagen stands out as gay.

APPEARS: Profiled judge Tom Harald Hagen stands out as gay.
Photo: Terje Pedersen (NTB)

Although Kastrati apologized and said he did not know what the word he used meant, Hagen is aware that a change in attitude is needed.

– I won’t judge anyone. What came out yesterday is probably unconscious and may be slang in some parts of the soccer community. But we have to get rid of that, it definitely scares someone outside of the soccer community. Personally, I only have good experiences with the same environment. We have annual meetings of judges, and it has been natural that I have had it with my partner; it has always been well received, says Hagen.

On Monday, it was also announced that Kristiansund banned Kastrati pending an internal review of the case.

The Norwegian Football Association has also announced that it may be relevant to go ahead with the case.

Read the full interview with Hagen in Glåmdalen.
