Jørn Eggum believes that the 2021 elections are Jonas Gahr Støre’s last chance


– Labor does not suffer from the intensification of frustration over the government like other parties. We have become too invisible and cannot get excited, says Fellesforbundet leader and central board member Jørn Eggum in an interview with DN.

When asked if he is related to the party leader, Jonas Gahr Støre, Eggum responds:

– Yes, of course you see it on Trygve (Sp leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, editor’s note). He is a partner and he goes home. I think that part of the support of the Center Party is based on their behavior. Jonas didn’t hit that well. You can see this in the popularity polls in the newspapers. Clear things are connected, says Eggum.

– It seems that it hurts to be the leader of the Labor Party. And that may have been the case at times.

The Fellesforbundet leader believes that Støre is missing something that his predecessor Jens Stoltenberg had.

When asked if the 2021 election is Støre’s last chance if he loses the election once again, Eggum answers the following:

– Much indicates that, yes. He’s over sixty, so yeah.

– I share the frustration of bad measures and Jørn is someone I listen to We have a common responsibility and motivation to move forward. Too many of our voters have sat on the fence. We will recover them saying that now it is the turn of the common people and that we are the ones with the best answers, says Støre in a comment to Eggum’s statements.
