Jon Helgheim: – Vrakes frp-top


On Saturday afternoon, FRP leader Jon Helgheim announced that he lost the battle for first place on the parliamentary election list to Buskerud Frp. It was TV 2 that first reported the result.

– Today I lost the choice for the first place in the Frp list on Buskerud. The FRP delegates in Buskerud did not want me in the Storting in the next term because they were not satisfied with the seats on the list. Such is politics sometimes, Helgheim writes on his own Facebook page.

– I want to thank you for the opportunity I had to be a parliamentary representative for four years. I have learned a lot and have tried to make the most of the opportunity that is given to me. FRP has the best policy, but in the next period I will be someone else who will be in charge of this policy. It feels sad that there isn’t more, but that’s the way it is.

Morten Wold won the party’s vote for the seat with 23 to 17 votes, putting Helgheim completely off the Storting’s list.

– I am happy and grateful for the support. Hoping to campaign, Wold tells TV 2.
