Joe Biden formally elected president


On Monday, the Electoral Assembly met to formally announce Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election. Just after 11 p.m. Norwegian time, Biden has officially secured the votes of 302 electoral delegates, which will apparently force Donald Trump to realize, if not acknowledge, defeat.

And in the list of those who decided everything, we find the former archrival of Trump and former president of the United States, Hillary and Bill Clinton.

They represent New York State, which met at 6 p.m. Norwegian time.

On Monday, he got some revenge by helping to cancel the president’s job:

– The election was not closed. There is no evidence of electoral fraud. The states have certified the results. Yet Trump continues to try to reverse the election at the expense of our democracy. The emperor has no clothes. The Republican elected officials who continue to support him have no backbone, Hillary Clinton wrote on Twitter no later than Thursday.

Formal vows

Vermont’s three electoral delegates were the first to vote in the electoral college that formally elects the president and vice president of the United States on Monday afternoon Norwegian time.

Shortly after, all eleven delegates from Tennessee and eleven from Indiana voted for Trump and Vice President Michael Pence, and all four from New Hampshire for Biden and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris, based on the election result.

Later, all six election delegates from Nevada, all 16 from Georgia and 20 from Pennsylvania, voted for Biden, even though they are among the states in which Trump has claimed the election did not go smoothly.

– The door hook

Mass lawsuit dismissed

Mass lawsuit dismissed

The result of the elections in early November gave Joe Biden 306 voters, well above the 270 voter limit required to win the US presidential election. Despite receiving 7 million more votes than Donald Trump, both the incumbent president and several members of the Republican Party have refused to concede defeat.

Since November 3, Trump and various party colleagues have filed hundreds of lawsuits in one state after another, in an intense attempt to declare the result invalid as a result of “extensive electoral fraud”, but without being able to present concrete evidence of the accusations, and without winning.

In an interview with Fox and Friends on Sunday morning local time, Trump confirmed that he has not yet given up.

– No, it’s not over. We will continue and continue to move forward, Trump told the channel.

Believe in more speculation

Believe in more speculation

Early Monday, American expert and senior investigator for the Department of Defense Studies, Svein Melby, was ready for Dagbladet:

– In some cases, however, some have been seen to vote against the result in the relevant state in protest. But if there is to be any hope for Trump, there must be a real landslide. The electoral candidates are mostly loyal party members, and therefore 36 delegates are highly unlikely to turn their back on Biden.

– There is nothing to indicate that he will admit defeat after Monday’s decision, but now there is nothing more he can do to try to change the electoral result. That’s the hook on the door, Melby continued.

US expert and advisor to the Civita think tank, Eirik Løkke, told Dagbladet early Monday that he believes “Trump will complain until Biden takes office in January.”

– Trump will not accept defeat and, in all probability, will continue to refer to the election as a fraud and will try to carry out a clown coup, Løkke said.

The result of the assembly of electoral delegates will be approved by Congress on January 6, 2021.

– YOU WOULD LOSE WITH DIGNITY: Outgoing US President Donald Trump was at an election rally in Georgia on Saturday night. There he repeated a series of unfounded accusations and lies about electoral fraud. Hear what he said here. Video: AP / Dagbladet TV
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Countless attempts

At Trump’s request, votes have been counted three times in the state of Georgia since Nov. 3, with each time showing that Biden won the majority of the votes. Trump has also reached out to Republicans in Michigan and Pennsylvania in hopes of changing the outcome of the election there, in which he has not been successful. In addition, he has filed a lawsuit to get the votes in Wisconsin, where Biden won by almost 20,700 votes after a disqualified, unsuccessful enumeration.

However, the attempt to invalidate the election result, which has attracted the most attention, came from Texas. On December 8, Republican and Texas State Attorney Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit on behalf of the state, again alleging that there was widespread voter fraud in this year’s election, and again without providing concrete evidence of the allegations.

The goal was to overthrow the election result and allow state leaders to elect voters themselves and thus have the opportunity to change the result to keep Trump in the White House.

American Expert on Texas Lawsuit: - Clown Hit Attempt

American Expert on Texas Lawsuit: – Clown Hit Attempt

All four tip states responded to the lawsuit, describing it as “an example of rebellious abuse of the justice system” (Pennsylvania), “a lawsuit without evidence” (Michigan), “extraordinary intervention” (Wisconsin) and “a lawsuit that it should be rejected ”(Georgia).

When asked by Dagbladet about the American expert Eirik Løkke thought that the Supreme Court of the United States would rule on the lawsuit at that time, the answer was in cash:

– No no no. That would spell the end of the constitution.

On Saturday, the Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit, arguing that it is not within Texas’ mandate to question or intervene in the way other states conduct their elections.
