Jean-Claude van Damme became involved in the rescue of a Norwegian puppy – VG


WEAK TO DOGS: Jean-Claude van Damme is best known as an action movie star, but he’s also very weak to dogs. Photo: Andres Kudacki / AP / NTB

Movie star Jean-Claude van Damme was heavily involved in a petition that ended when the Norwegian Food Safety Authority sent a puppy to Bulgaria, instead of killing it.

The Belgian action star received the news of a call to save the puppy’s life and shared an emotional appeal on her Facebook page, writes the New York Times.

The three-month-old Chihuahua Raya was bought by Norwegian Alexey Iversen from Bulgaria, but when the dog arrived in Norway, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority quickly concluded that the animal’s passport and other documentation did not correspond to reality.

Soon after, Iversen was informed that the cub would be killed.

He acknowledged that he should verify the documentation before buying the dog, but went into the fight to save his life. A lawyer managed to postpone the murder until October, and Iversen initiated an online call, which Van Damme somehow learned about.

– We can’t kill the little chihuahua. It’s unfortunate for the future, for the coronavirus and all that, said famous dog lover van Damme while holding his own chihuahua.

Almost 200,000 people responded to the video and van Damme also offered to pay all costs associated with rescuing the three-month-old puppy.

Soon after, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority announced that the puppy would be sent to the country of origin, Bulgaria. It is not known if Iversen will meet with Raya.

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