Jan Bøhler, Arnold Schwarzenegger | Jan Bøhler (68) is the most active in the Storting: shares his best training tips


I don’t like the comparison with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

HAMMERSBORG (Nettavisen): This fall demands more from each and every one of us, and even you, who diligently mark Sats, are now behind closed doors.

But don’t despair, says Jan Bøhler (Sp) to Nettavisen.

– It is best to train outside! Then we get fresh air and we can use the body in a different way than with heavy weights. I always train my own weight.

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For him, a day without training is, almost a meaningless day:

– Then I’m just stressed, Bøhler tells Nettavisen, when we find him in a gym in the center of Oslo.

– Find a branch

– You can use fitness parks like this one, of which there are many in Oslo, or a branch of a tree.

He believes that it is prudent for people under the crown to learn to exercise in other ways.

– I have always done it, so for me this is no different, but for others it can give a renewal in the training program, he believes.

Bøhler sees no reason to give the body a so-called “day off” after a hard night’s session.

– No, absolutely not!

– I have a great show that I go through every day so I hope it can be an inspiration, he says, and it’s easy to ask when we ask to see it.

– Thinking better

– What makes your body exercise every day?

– I get energy by starting my blood circulation, catching up and thinking better, so it is part of my daily routine, he says.

– Makes me cut.

Bøhler says he doesn’t have a particular temperament, but;

– If I am stressed, I find peace with the exercise even though I breathe and gasp. During the session, I often come to the conclusion that it “works” or “is not so dangerous.” In the big picture, many things are small, he reflects.

Also read: First they reject Jan Bøhler, and then they get angry and call him a fucking traitor

– Take proper care

– What exercise helps you if you are really tired of another politician?

– I’m not mad at the others, but it helps to take the right measures, he says and laughs out loud as he shows us some power-ups in the park.

– No, Schwarzenegger is flaccid

– You have mentioned Schwarzenegger to us several times, is he a role model?

– No, he has trained with many heavyweights and there are rumors that he has doped himself, so he is not at all, Bøhler answers firmly.

And you don’t like what you see:

– He seems to get flabby, big muscles when he grows up so it’s nothing to me. My goal is to be strong, stamina and have energy, tackle high reps and use your own weight, repeats Bøhler.

Also read: Arnold Schwarzenegger promises that children’s trains will return

“Sleep faster!”

Still, something for which Schwarzenegger deserves credit:

– Often has some concise statements that are funny.

– Like what?

– I had a lot of fun with the comment that we may not need 7-8 hours of sleep, to which Schwarzenegger replied, “I just want to tell you one thing: Sleep faster.”

Like the American muscle pack, Bøhler makes do with 4-5 hours of sleep.

– But when it comes to bodybuilding, I have a completely different method.

– I guess I’m fine

– How busy are you with your body and your muscles?

– I worry about being fit, having energy and having the body work, but building big muscles is not my thing.

– Do you think you are the most active in the Storting?

– We have not had competition for it, but I suppose I am in a good position in relation to age. I train for my own pleasure. Feeling on the offensive, that the body is involved and on the move, that’s the driving force. I have been training since I was five years old.

Reveals a debauchery

– How important will it be to train now that the corona pandemic is raging?

– I think it is important that we stay in shape, we tolerate it more, of everything that may affect us. Also, when you’re exercising, you think about other things, stress less, and focus a little more on the virus.

– We must be vigilant, but we must not let it affect our whole lives, says the training fan.

– Finally, can you reveal any “guilty pleasure”?

– Yes, salmon, large quantities. Sushi gets too dirty, laughs Bøhler.


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