It will give Stoltenberg more power


The group of experts, which yesterday presented its advice at the meeting of NATO Defense Ministers, points out that the NATO chief has an important leadership responsibility, also political, and should have more space to make budgetary and personnel decisions to get the job done effectively.

The Stoltenberg project

NATO Heads of State and Government should consider giving the Secretary General more flexibility and room for maneuver to move the Alliance forward, and not least to strengthen the political dimension of NATO, according to the group of experts headed by the former Minister of Defense. German defender Thomas de Maizière.

The expert group is a high-level team with representatives from other major countries such as the United States, Great Britain, France and Canada.

The group of experts was appointed by Jens Stoltenberg after the NATO summit in London in December last year. The work is part of what Stoltenberg calls NATO 2030. At next year’s summit, Stoltenberg will present his plan to strengthen and adapt NATO to a new era, with new threats and challenges. Not least, Stoltenberg’s ambition is for NATO to become a stronger political platform.

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Lessons from Stoltenbergscorona

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“Brain death”

The background to the project is Emmanuel Macron’s surprising criticism of NATO last fall. Due, among other things, to US solo actions and a lack of coordination in NATO, the French president called NATO “brain dead.”

STAY TOGETHER: Jens Stoltenberg was concerned that the coronavirus knew no national borders and that NATO allies should work together. Video: NATO. April 14, 2020
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The NATO 2030 project aims to strengthen the Alliance politically and ensure better coordination. The expert group affirms that NATO has been significantly strengthened militarily, and that now it is about strengthening the alliance politically

That's why Stoltenberg struck a deal with Trump

That’s why Stoltenberg struck a deal with Trump

The group presents 138 suggestions for improvement.

One of the recommendations is that NATO modernize its strategic concept, which outlines the core tasks of NATO. The current concept is from 2010, and Jens Stoltenberg has also spoken out in favor of adapting it to a new era.

NATO Foreign Ministers learned of the report during their meeting yesterday.

One of the recommendations is to give the Secretary General more power. As is well known, Jens Stoltenberg now has this job. He was appointed in 2014, his term has been extended twice and he will remain in office until 2024.
