It was not tested before the debate – VG


Members of the Trump family and campaign blew up the rule of wearing a mask during the presidential debate, and none of the candidates were examined when they arrived. Donald Trump is now infected.

The moderator during Tuesday’s chaotic debate and Fox News host Chris Wallace are unkind in their comments on the behavior of the Trump campaign Wednesday night. The fact that they refused to wear a bandage despite an order, he finds it particularly creepy.

In a segment of the Fox News program, Bill Hemmer Reports, Wallace recounted what happened before the candidates took the podium.

– I arrived on Sunday and they did tests, they did not arrive until Tuesday afternoon. There wouldn’t be enough time to test them and then have the debate on Tuesday night, Wallace explains.

In a statement from the Cleveland Clinic, which serves as an advisor to both the debate commission and the venue, they wrote that everyone at the scene had tested negative for COVID-19.

“The people who traveled with both candidates, and the candidates themselves, had been tested and tested negative in their respective campaigns.”

He says they therefore trusted the campaigns to be honest about the infection status of everyone who participated.

Additionally, the Cleveland Clinic had introduced requirements for temperature measurement, hand spraying, distance, and the use of face masks.

See who in the White House has been infected so far here

SAY NO THANKS: Donald Trump Junior, Tiffany Trump, Melanie Trump, Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump watched the debate without a mask, despite the order in the room. Photo: BRIAN SNYDER / REUTERS

– The rule in the room was that everyone, except the president, the vice president and myself, should wear masks.

– The Trump family wore them on the way to the bedroom, but took them off. Health professionals offered them face masks but said no, Wallace says.

Photos from the scene show a doctor approaching President Trump’s guests and family to offer them a mask. They shake their heads and say no.

His wife, Melania Trump, who was sitting with the family without a mask, is confirmed to be infected with the virus, as is the president.

Joe Biden and his wife Jill have been tested and have not been confirmed to be infected.

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Even during dress rehearsal, members of the Trump campaign did not follow orders to wear a mask.

– It also turns out that when the president and his team arrived Tuesday afternoon for an onstage review to see sound and light, none of the masks were worn, Wallace says.

Nor should the debate committee, which is responsible for organizing all presidential debates, should have given this much thought.

– When I was with the commission in my review, they all wore masks, and I can tell you that the commission members were not particularly happy that the president’s group did not wear masks.

“There seems to be a rejection of the dangers associated with this virus,” Wallace said. Fox News.

INFECTED: President Donald Trump and Melania Trump are infected with the coronavirus, Joe and Jill Biden on the right are not infected. Here on stage during the Wednesday night debate. Photo: Morry Gash / AP Pool

At least eleven positive corona tests date back to the staging of this week’s presidential debate in Cleveland, city officials say.

The Cleveland Clinic states that the 11 people who tested positive never entered the discussion room. People worked with the logistics and planning of the debate or in the media. None of them are based in Cleveland.

Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes reacts strongly to the Trump campaign’s decision not to wear a mask.

– I am so frustrated today because I care about my own health and the health of so many others who were present that night. This did not have to happen. If more people followed the guidelines, this wouldn’t keep happening, Strong Sykes told NBC News.

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– I think this is hard for the campaign, because one of its biggest problems has been the handling of the coronavirus. Biden leads the president with ten points on handling the pandemic, says Wallace.

The Fox News host thinks the situation is ironic, especially after some of the acting president’s remarks on the podium Tuesday night.

– When you look at the exchange we had on Tuesday, where Trump mocks Biden for wearing a mask all the time, he suddenly turns upside down.

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