– It is important for Norway to be clear – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– This is not an encouragement for close cooperation. Such behavior in violation of Norwegian law does not stimulate cooperation between Norway and Russia, Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre tells NRK.

Politicians and labor employees were among those affected by the cyber attack to which the Storting has been exposed. The attack became known at the end of August.

– Will it harm Norway’s relations with Russia?

– The relationship between Norway and Russia has ups and downs. This is a recession, Støre says.

On Tuesday, the government through Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide said that it was Russia that was behind the attack.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg answered questions about Norway’s relations with Russia on her way to Question Time at the Storting on Wednesday.

– It is important, but it is also important for Norway to be clear when we experience that mistakes are made in other countries, Solberg tells NRK.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg

Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Russia says they are not behind

The Russian embassy in Norway said Tuesday that the accusation was unacceptable.

– We see this as a serious and intentional provocation, and as destructive to bilateral conditions. We demand an explanation from the Norwegian side, the embassy wrote on Facebook.

Norwegian Defense College researcher Geir Hågen Karlsen says the Storting deals with a number of issues of interest to Russia.

He explains that there is an exchange of information and opinions between the government and the Storting, which can give a picture of the disagreements that exist on various issues.

– And it can be used to influence matters in the direction Russia wants. It is clear that if they arrive later, when the Storting has made a decision, it is too late. But if they get into the process earlier, then Russia may have an influence, Karlsen tells NRK.

According to Karlsen, Russia can use the emails of Storting representatives to find personal information, which can be used to put pressure on people.

– It can be something as innocent as an email to the doctor. Indications of bad finances can be found in applications for consumer loans or the like. Russia may want to and take advantage of this by putting pressure on representatives, says Karlsen.


Why is email so interesting to hackers?

for answers

Email is in many ways the key to our digital life. There you will often find conversations dating back several years in time and confidential documents.

By accessing an email account, you can also access other online services. You can indicate on a website that you have forgotten your password. Then there will be a link to the email account and you will have access to the website.

How do hackers access someone’s email?

It is quite common for people to use the same password in multiple places. Simple passwords a hacker can guess. Many also have passwords that deviate from previous data breaches, something hackers diligently use in new attacks.

Are emails from ordinary people vulnerable?

In recent years, it has become increasingly popular to target companies and organizations with so-called ransomware viruses. These viruses shut down all the computers they access. Many of these attacks start with a seemingly innocent email sent to one or more company employees.

It is also common for criminals to attack the private email accounts of people with an important role in a company. These hackers often have financial motives for the attack.

When private accounts are attacked, it is because the owner is somehow interesting to the attacker.

How can I protect myself from being hacked?

The most important thing you can do is get a double factor on the email account you have at work and in private. With two factors, you get a unique and temporary code via text message or in an app. This makes it much more difficult for an attacker: now they need to know both your password and the unique code to enter.

Experts also recommend that you get a so-called password manager. It is a program that stores all your passwords in one place. In this way, you can have different passwords on all web pages, at the same time that you just I need to remember a password.

Read more about the case here:

It must be stressful

The PST is still investigating the attack, communications director Trond Hugubakken told NRK on Tuesday.

Nupi investigator Karsten Friis tells NRK that states release information about who is behind an attack, so it will be a burden on the actor behind it.

– The idea of ​​going out and saying who you think is behind is to dissuade, which must be stressful for those who do this. But one should probably go on to some more details on why this conclusion has been reached.

Karsten friis

Nupi researcher Karsten Friis.

Photo: Nupi

– Why?

– This is an attempt by Norway and other Western countries to say what is acceptable and what is not. Going out in public is to prevent this from happening again, which is called naming and shaming.

At the same time, Friis says Norwegian authorities must come out with more information to substantiate the allegations that came in on Tuesday.

He believes that it is possible to share more, without saying too much.

– But if you want to avoid that this is simply a claim against a claim and that Russia only responds with counterclaims, then to some extent you must substantiate the claims you have with something more factual than Norway has done so far. The Americans and the British have done this before, Friis says.
