– It is a wounded creature – VG


ON THE ROAD: President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump left the White House and headed to the Trump luxury resort in Florida on Christmas Eve. They have stayed in Mar-a-lago through the wheels. Photo: Chris Kleponis – Pool via CNP / Consolidated News Photos

Donald Trump has no plans to sign the crown crisis package that Republicans and Democrats have agreed to.


– I just want our great people to get $ 2,000, instead of the modest $ 600 promoted in the proposal, he wrote on Twitter Saturday.

A message he also shared on Friday:

– Why don’t politicians want to give people 2000 dollars? It wasn’t the people’s fault, it was China. Give money to our people, he wrote then.

Trump was surprising when just before Christmas he vigorously opposed the package Democrats and Republicans had voted for in both the House and Senate.

– A few months ago, Congress began negotiations on a package that is critical of the American people. It took too long. But the package they send to my desk is completely different. To be honest, it’s a shame, Trump said.

also read

Donald Trump rejects congressional crisis package

The crisis package has been eagerly awaited by American businesses and individuals. After the previous crisis package, which was adopted in March, expired this summer, Democrats and Republicans have been unable to agree – until now.

One of the president’s demands is that direct support to those in need be increased from $ 600 to $ 2,000. He made the Democrats cheer.

– Republicans repeatedly refused to say how much money the president would have for checks. Finally, the president agreed to $ 2,000. Democrats are ready to vote for this this week. Let’s do it! Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, responded Twitter.

OUT OF THE CAPA: Melania and Donald Trump leaving Air Force One late at night on December 23. They came from a pleasant background in Washington DC, but received a warm welcome in the new home of the presidential couple in West Palm Beach, Florida. Photo: JOE RAEDLE / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

But the allergy was short. On Christmas Eve, Republicans stopped the proposal in the House of Representatives.

“If the president is serious about the direct payment of $ 2,000, he should ask the Republicans to stop messing around,” Pelosi said after the vote, saying they would have another vote on Monday.

– An injured creature

Larry Sabato, director of the political center at the University of Virginia, is not impressed with the path chosen by the president.

“His motivation for wanting to increase the direct payment to $ 2,000 is that it looks good,” he told The Guardian, adding:

– Possibly he sees this as a final victory before leaving the White House, where he beats Congress and his own party. He’s probably more upset with members of his own party than with Democrats. He is a hurt being and he will make sure everyone gets hurt too.

also read

Trump Strikes Back at McConnell: – Too Soon to Give Up

It points out that hundreds of thousands are in danger of being evicted from their homes.

– There are so many things about this that are devastating. But Trump, of course, will blame Congress, and his supporters will then attack Congress without understanding that everything depends on Trump, Sabato says.

Three options

As the situation stands now, there are three options for the crown crisis package, Reuters writes:

  • Trump approves of the deal, even if Congress disagrees with the proposed changes.
  • Trump vetoes. A veto Congress can override if they win more than a two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. If they do not overturn Trump’s decision, the proposal will be scrapped.
  • Trump chooses to do nothing. So, in theory, you will use your veto right. This happens ten days (Sundays do not count) after you receive the proposal from Congress. In this case, Trump has the clock on his side, since the proposal must be voted on by Congress, which promoted the proposal, while already on January 3, the United States goes from 116 to 117 Congress. Therefore, Joe Biden is left after he becomes president on January 20.

Meanwhile, it is the people who are suffering. There are 18.6 million cases of infection in the United States and more than 328,000 deaths are related to the pandemic. On Christmas Eve, more than 120,000 Americans were hospitalized with Covid-19.
