– It goes against my constitutional right – VG


MOSINEE, WISCONSIN (VG) Just before the United States completed its 200,000 registered crown deaths, President Donald Trump held another large election rally in which very few of those present wore bandages or maintained the recommended distance.

– It shouldn’t be an issue, because bandages don’t help much. I do not think they do. Maybe a little. But I don’t think they protect like everyone says they do. If you get sick, you get sick, Leonora Rehborg (38) tells VG a few hours before the president arrived in Mosinee in the state of Wisconsin.

She is outside waiting to be let in. No mask. Mason Johnson (17) does the same.

– I do not believe all the lies that the media tell us about the virus, he says and says that he himself feels healthy.

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HIDING YOUR MOUTH: Nancy Milhouse was given a mask when she entered the area before Trump’s election rally, but quickly tucked it into her purse. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Nancy Millhouse (66) shakes her head when asked if she should wear a mask when she is around a few thousand people.

– I do not think so. I believe in covid, but it is not that it affects so many people. Only those who are already sick.

We note that 200,000 people have soon lost their lives to the virus in the United States.

“People die every day,” he says with a shrug.

– Very dangerous

Recently, the president has received much criticism for holding large electoral rallies during the pandemic. Several of them have been in hangars with one open wall and three walls, but last weekend they had a meeting in Las Vegas that was completely covered. This is despite the fact that the state of Nevada has prohibited events that bring together more than 50 people.

The meeting made the governor of Nevada furious. Several medical experts have done the same. Also towards meetings that have been partly outdoors.

– These electoral meetings in which people do not keep their distances and do not wear masks are very dangerous, especially those who have been inside. If only one person becomes infected there without having symptoms, then this person will be able to infect many others, Robert Klitzman tells VG.

He is a professor of social medicine at the Columbia School of Public Health, which is part of the prestigious Columbia University in New York.

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Also on Friday night Norwegian time, Trump held a large election rally with several thousand listeners. It is only a few hours before the country he leads registers the death by the 200,000th crown. As you read this, it may have already happened.

True, this time all the trailers were outside the Central Wisconsin airport hangar, just outside the small town of Mosinee.

But they were very close. Shoulder to shoulder. None of them stayed within two meters of distance, which is recommended by the United States health authorities.

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– Destroy for Trump

The couple Sheryl Bee (58) and Rick Hagen (62) have made the trip from Illinois. They wear bandages when VG stops them, because they were given to them at the entrance. But they have no intention of staying with them. Hagen says they don’t think the virus is as bad as experts want it.

– It is a strong flu, but this is exaggerated. If you don’t feel well, stay home.

– But can people get sick without knowing it?

– But does that mean we can’t be around people for the rest of our lives? How long will this last? the 62-year-old asks, before his girlfriend takes over:

– Actually, there are fewer people who get sick from this than from the flu. I think it is a political agenda. I believe the virus exists and I sympathize with those who have it, but it has been politicized from the other side to destroy Trump through the economy, he says.

– There is only one more way to get it out, he adds.

ONLY AT THE BEGINNING: Couple Sheryl Bee and Rick Hagen donned masks on their way to the area because they were given them. They still said they would take them off again. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– Then your time has come

Robert Larson (66), on the other hand, intends to wear a bandage. He has one that says “Trump 2020” and shows it proudly.

– I use it to protect the family in case something happens. Just to be on the safe side. It’s like wearing a seat belt, she says.

Grant Goodness (45) couldn’t disagree more.

– It’s a fake virus.

– You don’t believe in that?

– In.

– But 200,000 have lost their lives soon because of this virus?

– People with underlying diseases, yes.

– Don’t you want to wear a mask to be sure?

– In.

– Why?

– I mean that it goes against my constitutional right

– What if people die for it then?

– So that’s probably what happens then, says Goodness, points to the sky and says that in that case it is God’s decision.

– Then your time has come.

FEVER MEASUREMENT: No one was allowed in the area if the body temperature was too high, but it is a fact that one can become infected with corona without showing symptoms. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Several US media have recently pointed out that an order for sanitary napkins would not be unconstitutional. For example, a president may impose it on federal grounds.

It is true that many of those who lose their lives have underlying diseases, but most of them would not have lost their lives if they were not infected with coronary heart disease, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US version. from the Norwegian FHI, have made it clear in.

– Terribly unfortunate

Professor Robert Klitzman is upset by those who claim that it is their constitutional right not to wear a face mask.

– We respect the right to independent freedom in this country, but it stops where it becomes a threat to others. When it comes to health, we often do things that restrict our freedom, but we do it because we know it is the right thing to do.

MEET THE SUPPORTERS: Donald Trump on the podium in Wisconsin on Friday night Norwegian time. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Klitzman also gets angry when she hears people say that they don’t need to wear masks because they don’t feel sick.

The mouthpieces are there to protect us from others, but also, and this is equally important, to protect others from ourselves if we have the virus, but not the symptoms. Many people do not know that they have this virus.

He believes that the problem now is that the use of masks has become politicized.

– It’s terribly unfortunate. Therefore, we have no control over the pandemic. Something that we could have had, as South Korea achieved, says the professor, who believes that Donald Trump should take the blame.

Watch video – defended the president against false accusations about the coronavirus:

Disappointed and angry

He points out that the president was not related to the pandemic at first, but among other things he called it a bluff, and the attitude that Trump has had to bandage himself. She has barely appeared in public with them, but instead has taunted Joe Biden, who wears a bandage all the time.

– This has led those who do not want to admit that the president is doing something wrong to deny the threat of the virus, because if he wears a mask, it will be an admission that Trump is wrong and that this is a serious threat.

It makes him terribly frustrated. He is aware that thousands of lives would have been saved if the president had followed the advice of medical experts.

– I am disappointed and angry that the president has politicized this. Thousands of deaths could have been prevented if he had listened to medical and scientific experts, but he is willing to sacrifice thousands of lives because he believes this will help him get re-elected, says the professor, who himself knows several people in New York who they have done. lost his life from the virus.

AT THE TRUMP MEETING: Thomas Nilsson and Jostein Matre from VG in Misonee, Wisconsin.

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