– irreplaceable


It began to burn on the premises of the Kapp milk factory in Toten on Friday. At 7.15 pm, the police report that they have control of the fire.

– It burns well, so from now on the fire service has no control over the fire. They are in an active extinction phase, operations manager Atle Bernhoft von Obstfelder tells Dagbladet on Friday afternoon.

Heavy smoke comes out of the fire. Obstfelder says the wind direction is taking him south and that the police are now turning to neighbors and asking them to close the windows.

HELP WITH THE EXTINGUISHING: Nedre Romerike's fire and rescue service reports that they assisted with the extinguishing robot.  Photo: Nedre Romerike Fire and Rescue Service

HELP WITH OFF: Nedre Romerike’s fire and rescue service reports that they helped with the firefighting robot. Photo: Nedre Romerike Fire and Rescue Service
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– We have also established an evacuation center if someone has to evacuate, he says.

You don’t control

Everyone who was at work has been evacuated, writes Oppland Arbeiderblad. Several companies are located in the former manufacturing facilities of the factory.

The police also have no information that anyone has been noticed. The cause of the fire is not yet known.

At 4:55 p.m., there is still no fire control, von Obstfelder reports to Dagbladet.

– The last thing we got from the place is that the flames have gone through both sides of the roof. There is a great chance that buildings will be completely damaged, he says.

– irreplaceable

The building dates from 1898 and is, among other things, part of the Mjøs Museum.

– The most important thing for us was that we were able to evacuate our employees and others. At the moment we are making plans for the evacuation of the beautiful objects we have in the complex, including petroglyphs and Viking swords, director Arne Julsrud Berg tells Dagbladet.

The burning building is next to the building where the Mjøs Museum has exhibits.

– The building in which it is burned has wooden constructions on the roof, just like the museum building. It smokes terribly and burns properly. But there is a room in the middle, which is concrete, which is a good buffer. But there will be smoke damage here, Berg says.

– There is much that is irreplaceable, but the museum objects here are irreplaceable. These are the ones we focus on, he says.

Dagbladet is following the case.
