Iran vigorously protests EU condemnation of execution


Iran describes the strong condemnation of the EU as “unacceptable interference” in the country’s internal affairs, Iranian state media reported on Sunday.

Ruhollah Zam was executed by hanging on Saturday after the country’s highest court upheld his sentence. Zam was sentenced to death in June, among other things for his role in the demonstrations in the winter of 2017-18.

In its conviction on the same day, the EU underlined its “irreversible opposition to the use of the death penalty in all circumstances”.

The German ambassador, Hans-Udo Muzel, was informed that Iran “condemns” the statement, the Irna news agency reports. Germany currently holds the presidency of the EU.

French Ambassador Philippe Thiebaud also received a similar message.

The French Foreign Ministry called the execution “unacceptable” and “barbaric” and a “serious attack on freedom of expression and of the press.”

Zam was living in exile in France, where he had been granted political asylum. But in October last year, he was arrested after returning to Iran in unclear circumstances. It is said that he was kidnapped during a trip to neighboring Iraq.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard claimed it was acting on behalf of French intelligence.

Zam previously ran the Amad News website and also had his own Telegram channel where, according to the verdict, he encouraged and incited the extensive demonstrations that took place in Iran in late 2017/2018.

The protests were aimed at corruption and major economic problems experienced by ordinary Iranians.
