Integration, Jan Bøhler | Jan Bøhler says no to integration requirements: – Completely incomprehensible


Groruddalen’s strict integration general says no thanks to the government’s new integration requirements.

– It’s a must to learn Norwegian, writes newly elected SP politician and former Labor politician Jan Bøhler in a post at Nettavisen. For a long time it has carried the banner of a strict integration policy where more demands are made.

One of the more well-known problems associated with integration is that many students with minority linguistic backgrounds struggle to learn the language well enough. In the municipality of Oslo, half of minority students receive special education in Norwegian.

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– incomprehensible

The government intends to do something about it. In a new proposal to be considered at the Storting, they will introduce a duty for municipalities to assess the Norwegian abilities of all children before they start school.

This is often done in kindergarten. But in the new proposal, such an assessment will also apply to children who do not go to kindergarten.

– The first years of life are absolutely crucial to acquiring the language, and the Norwegian language is the key for communities large and small in Norwegian society. All children deserve to be able to understand and speak Norwegian when they start school so as not to be left behind from the beginning, both academically and socially, says Storting representative Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde (H).

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However, he was surprised when he saw that Jan Bøhler’s party wanted to approve the new proposal.

– Unfortunately, we see once again that the Center Party, with Jan Bøhler in tow, actively opposes measures that will contribute to better integration. This is incomprehensible resistance, he says.

Tybring-Gjedde emphasizes that the proposal will not apply to all children, unless necessary.

– The duty to evaluate should not be confused with the duty to map. Only the Norwegian knowledge of children who, through the assessment, is identified as needing additional support will be mapped so that the child receives the type of support they need.

– Isn’t this a detailed management of the municipalities, for a problem that only affects a few places in the country?

– Many have, or want, beginners in their municipality who do not have a sufficient command of Norwegian before classes start. Therefore, it is important that all municipalities have good routines for assessing children’s Norwegian abilities, including those who do not attend kindergarten. It should be a matter of course. In those municipalities and kindergartens where this is not a problem, the requirement will not involve any significant additional work, he says.

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– “Excess”

When asked by Nettavisen, Jan Bøhler says it has always been important to him to ensure better language mapping long before school starts. But that the proposal will be “exaggerated”.

– Yes, it is true that I have been interested in language mapping for a long time, long before school starts. Even after many years of free time and a high participation in kindergartens, there are still areas where a large proportion of children must have special training in Norwegian when they start school and may have language problems during schooling. .

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– So why are you against the proposal?

– It would be “exaggerated” to introduce it as a rigid obligation in all municipalities in the country, because in many places this will not be a problem, or it will be very clear who needs help with the language, Bøhler tells Nettavisen.


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