– Infection rates in the last 14 days are breaking all records – VG


Infection rates in Bergen remain high and very strict measures will be introduced on Saturday.

On Saturday, the municipality of Bergen reports that 89 new cases of infection have been registered in the last 24 hours.

– In addition to yesterday’s infection numbers, these are the highest we have ever had. Infection rates in the past 14 days are breaking all records, says Councilor Roger Valhammer.

He says they have had 290 infections per 100,000, which he thinks is a record.

– In countries with a lot of infection, the strictest measure, the curfew, has already been applied, but now we are not. If we don’t pull hard on the parking brake, we’ll be on our way to full closure, says Valhammer.

This week, strict infection control measures were introduced to try to regain control in Bergen. They are necessary, the council believes.

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– With so many infections detected in the last 14 days as between February and August, intervention measures are necessary.

He says that they have, however, reconsidered the limit of a maximum of five after a specific entry.

– We have evaluated the limit of five in private homes, and when we have set it at five, it is carefully evaluated.

Valhammer adds that the municipality has prepared a guide that will give Bergen residents answers to many of the questions they have received about the new measures.

– Now is not the time to be creative and find loopholes to circumvent infection control measures, now we must all do what we can to minimize close contacts, says health advisor Beate Husa.

These are the measures that were introduced in the municipality of Bergen this week:

  • Gyms, sports halls and swimming pools must be kept closed. The provision also includes individual physical training.
  • Training for children and young people under 20 years of age can be held, but events such as matches, cups, tournaments and the like are not allowed.
  • Bingo halls, museums, and similar offerings must be closed.
  • The libraries will be closed for activities and stays, but there will be access to loans and shipments.
  • Events in public places must have permanent seating and no more than 20 participants are allowed in attendance.
  • Events without fixed seats are prohibited.
  • Mandatory with bandage for both the driver and the passengers of the taxi.
  • Pubs, restaurants, cafes, canteens and other restaurants must close no later than 22.00, and the discharge stops from kl. 21.30. The provision does not apply to take out places.
  • Stores, shopping centers and the like must ensure that there are no more present on the premises than can be kept within 2 meters. The allowed number of guests in the room is calculated based on the size of the room. If necessary, there will be security guards to ensure that the requirement is met.
  • The number of people who can attend private meetings is reduced from 10 to 5 people, including those who live at home. Exceptions for families living together more than five, as well as exceptions for cohorts for children in kindergarten and elementary school.
  • Mandatory home office for anyone who can have a home office.
  • Mandate for digital teaching in colleges and universities.
  • Red level and homeschooling in public high schools and independent schools.
  • Broad-based sports for over 20s, closed. Similarly, other leisure activities for adults, such as choir and physical education, will not be allowed.

First, the Bergen Municipality announced that the provision on the closure of gyms, sports halls and swimming pools does not include individual physical training. Subsequently, the municipality proposed a correction: there are no exceptions for individual physical training. The exception only applies to organized training for children and young people, teaching to children and young people under the age of 20, or training related to rehabilitation or illness.

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Bergen Municipality Medical Director Trond Egil Hansen says that they currently do not intend to introduce a total ban on alcoholic beverages as Oslo has done.

– It has a complex logic, but since loneliness also implies a risk to health, it can have the purpose of safeguarding safe areas, he says.

On Friday, however, the municipality introduced that pubs, restaurants, cafes, canteens and other restaurants must close no later than kl. 22.00, and that discharge stops from kl. 21.30.

– They represent safe arenas as long as the guests don’t get too drunk. When the drink stop is now at 9:30 PM, you’ll limit your alcohol intake, Hansen says.

Bergen, on the other hand, has stricter rules for private gatherings than Oslo, with a limit of 5 people, including those who live at home.

– The risk with a limit of ten is many times greater than with a limit of five, says Hansen.

– It has been a matter of banning social gatherings at all, but when we have set the limit at five, it is so that those who live alone can have a social life, he adds.

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