Infection control: – The police closed the gym.


– I have not received an answer as to why they have placed the barrier tape. Neither the municipality nor the Police have referred to any regulations that indicate that we cannot do this.

Here’s what Roddy Mcleod tells Dagbladet, after police recently locked up the training equipment he had displayed outside his gym in Askim.

For the Smaalen, who first mentioned the incident, Mcleod says he “pulls his hair out of frustration.”

It states that the equipment used in the gym consists of equipment that the center had in stock and that have not moved the gym to the open air.

Will follow regulations

Mcleod says he has no problem following the regulations, but says the training team has put itself in the best sense.

– None of us wants there to be a lot of infection, but if you look at the municipal training parks, they are not closed. There are a lot of people there and the infection can spread much faster. If it had been possible to train here too, there would not have been so much pressure there, he says.

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Completed tasks

Mission leader in the Eastern Police District, Jo Rennemo Jellum, confirms to Dagbladet that police cordoned off the area Thursday afternoon.

– We received a message from a security guard who had been there on behalf of the municipality at 1:45 p.m. The municipality considered that the activity carried out there was a violation of local infection control regulations, and that the patrol at the site ordered those who trained there to stop the activity. When the equipment was large and too heavy to move, barrier tape was put in place to make it clear that there would be no more activity on the site.

Clear regulations

Smaalenene has been in contact with the municipality of Indre Østfold. They believe that the regulations are clear and distinct.

– The municipality has issued an order to close the outdoor activity in accordance with the covid-19 regulations, and the police have followed the case. Beyond that, it is the police who can comment on the case, Indre Østfold municipality communications manager Mimi Kopperud Slevigen tells the newspaper.

Indre Østfold has several outdoor training facilities, including a tuft park in Mysen. It’s still open

– There is no order to close outdoor parks, but gyms are required to be closed, and then they cannot move outdoor training. It is regulated in chapter 5A, section 16b of the covid-19 regulations, says Slevigen.

Dagbladet tried to contact the municipality of Indre Østfold on Friday, but the municipality has not responded to inquiries.
