Inequality in Norway – Agreement with Erna:


– No, Erna! Most people don’t recognize themselves in their Norwegian image. Most people see what you are doing.

LO leader Hans-Christian Gabrielsen is upset after the prime minister’s recent interview with Dagbladet.

And what Erna “does”, according to Gabrielsen, is to put the fortune of wealth before the needs of ordinary people, especially the poorly paid.

– This is completely shameful of Solberg, he says.

Grim message: - Measures will last a long time

Grim message: – Measures will last a long time

– Really, Erna?

In the interview with Dagbladet, Solberg responded to criticism of inequality the government is exposed to by saying that he does not believe that most people agree with the critics.

– What worries me most is lifting those at the end of the table, Solberg emphasized.

Gabrielsen believes that reality tells a different story.

– Really, Erna? Over the course of seven years, the government has implemented a long, long series of antisocial cuts that hit ordinary workers and those at the bottom of the table. At the same time, the richest have received billions in tax cuts. So you can’t just sit back and say that those at the bottom of the table are the top priority, he says.

Resolve criticism

Resolve criticism

100,000 poor children

The 370 richest people in Norway now earn six percent of all the country’s income, according to a study by Statistics Norway.

The head of the LO points out, among other things, cuts in the supplement per child, cuts in the support of shows for children and the abolition of vacation pay for the unemployed.

– We have 100,000 children in Norway living below the poverty line. The best way to help them is to make their parents work. But it is not done overnight. So we should spend the money on it, not on tax cuts for the wealthiest that have no effect.

– Do all your tax cuts contribute to employment, according to Solberg?

– For seven years, the Prime Minister has claimed that reducing the wealth tax creates jobs. But she never, not once, was able to document that. Eliminating the wealth tax has as much effect as herbal tea when it comes to creating jobs, says the head of LO.

DEFEND THE BUDGET: Prime Minister Erna Solberg believes this is a social budget presented by the government on October 7. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog, reporter Steinar Suvatne
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Increase in differences

Recent research and tax cuts for the wealthiest have given Solberg’s critics water, who believe he is pursuing an antisocial policy. And when the state budget for 2021 was recently introduced, a united opposition once again shook the sabers of inequality.

A recent survey by LO shows that 70 percent of respondents believe that there are large differences between people in Norway.

– Our survey shows the need for a policy that reduces the differences, but the government of Erna Solberg has done the opposite. People don’t want a politics that increases differences in society, says Gabrielsen.

Rebellion against Erna

Rebellion against Erna

– Still in crisis

However, he agrees with Solberg that the government’s main job is to provide jobs for the population.

– What contributes to job creation is that ordinary people in Norway can afford to buy goods and services, that companies have good framework conditions, that we educate employees and give them greater competence. Strengthen the economy and municipal welfare. An active labor market policy that helps those struggling to enter the labor market. Ensuring that people can afford to buy goods and services, among other things, continuing the rate of unemployment benefits as long as we have a crown situation.

On January 1, the unemployment benefit rate for the unemployed will return to 62.4 percent, up from 80 percent today. At the same time, they are once again cutting the estate tax even further. Gabrielsen believes this shows how the government prioritizes.

– We are still in crisis. The 80 per cent unemployment benefit rate should be maintained until Norway returns to normal. Once again, “those at the end of the table,” as Erna puts it, are the most affected.
