– Incredibly concerned


A variant of the South African crown is believed to be even more contagious than the mutation of the British crown. Now it is spreading in the UK. That worries Health Minister Matt Hancock.

“I am incredibly concerned about the South African variant, and that is why we did what we did and put restrictions on all flights from South Africa,” Hancock told the BBC on Monday morning, according to Reuters.


Fear of the mutant virus: - The risk is high.

Fear of the mutant virus: – The risk is high.

The new variant, which originates in the UK, is estimated to be around 70 percent more contagious than previous variants of the coronavirus. The South African variety is probably even more contagious than this new one.

– This is a very significant problem, and it is an even bigger problem than the new British variant, says Hancock.

50,000 infected per day

He also doesn’t want to rule out a new large-scale lockdown in the UK due to the sharp increase in infection rates they have seen in recent weeks.

Recently, the United Kingdom has registered more than 50,000 new cases of infection per day.

Towards the rhythm of the vaccine

Towards the rhythm of the vaccine

Both Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Minister Hancock say they are now considering shutting down the entire country again, if infection rates do not drop.

New vaccine

Hancock’s concern arises the same day the first global dose of the vaccine is administered from the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca.

On Monday morning, Brian Pinker, 82, received the first dose of the new vaccine.

It is significantly cheaper and easier to transport than the Pfizer vaccine that has already been used.
