Increasing trend of infection in 36 municipalities – VG


INTRODUCE MEASURES: Kristiansand is one of the municipalities with a growing trend of infection in the general description of GBV. On Monday, the municipality introduced several strict measures. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder, NTB

On Monday, 729 new cases of infection were registered in Norway. At the same time, infection is increasing in 36 municipalities, according to the VG summary.


On Monday, 729 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Norway. There are 376 more cases than the average of the previous seven days, which is 353.

This is also the highest number recorded in a single day since January 5, when 928 cases of infection were recorded in Norway.

Last Monday 226 new cases of infection were registered in this country, 503 cases less than on Monday of this week. In general, fewer people register as infected on holidays and weekends than on weekdays, and winter holidays may also have had an effect on when the infection figures were recorded.

Background: Norway now has an increasing tendency to infection

On Sunday, there were 180 new cases of infection in Norway, while on Saturday it was 262. On Friday, there were 524 new infections in Norway.

In Norway, a total of 71,735 cases of infection have been confirmed since the start of the pandemic. 102 people have been hospitalized, while 623 people have lost their lives to the virus.

According to the GV calculation, the trend of registered infection is increasing, and the same occurs in 36 municipalities.

Last week, 104,645 corona tests were performed in Norway, and 2.1 percent of these were positive.

On average, it takes one to two days from when a test result is ready until it is registered in the infectious disease reporting system (MSIS). Therefore, the figures can give a misleading picture of the infection situation in recent days, since it does not appear when the sample has been taken, only when it has been registered.

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Various strict measures in Kristiansand

Kristiansand is one of the municipalities showing an increasing tendency towards infection in the general description of VG.

Last week, 140 new infections were recorded in the municipality according to the VG summary, and it is among the Norwegian cities with the highest increase in infections. On Monday night, Kristiansand decided to close restaurants, bars and gyms, and there will also be a ban on events, soccer matches between children from various clubs and having more than five guests in their own home.

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Municipal Chief Medical Officer Styrk Fjærtoft Vik described the situation as dire to VG early Monday.

– What is new is that in the last two weeks we have had a higher proportion of people infected with an unknown route of infection, he said, among other things.

Read more about the measurements at Kristiansand here.

The infection trend is also increasing in Oslo. Here there have been 214 new cases of infection in the last 24 hours, according to figures from the Infectious Disease Notification System (MSIS). These may differ somewhat from the municipality’s own figures, which will be published on Tuesday morning.

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The municipality had a record of infection on Friday with 245 recorded cases of infection in one day, and the deputy director of health, Espen Nakstad, believes there are reasons for concern due to the new variants of the virus.

– The situation is difficult because the infection has increased in recent days. There are reasons to be more suspicious of these virus mutations that are more contagious, he told VG this weekend.

On Monday, it became clear that municipalities around the capital will also toughen up due to development.
