Increasing, but not enough: less popular with voters themselves


For Jonas Gahr Støre, bad polls have become the new normal. Also in December the results are not encouraging for the Labor leader.

Despite advancing 4 percentage points from the bottom of the list in October, only 20 percent believe he is doing a good job as leader of the Labor party.

Only the leader of KrF’s party, Kjell-Ingolf Ropstad, is below him on the list.

Ropstad, on the other hand, jumped 30 percent among its own voters in December, to 67 percent. This means that the Labor leader scores very low among his own voters.

Only 44 percent of them respond that they do a good job as party leader.

– I focus on working for us to stand up so that we have the opportunity to implement a fairer policy, says Støre when asked why voters are not more satisfied.

TO RESIST: Former Labor leader Thorbjørn Jagland gives Jonas Gahr Støre some advice.
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Vedum on top

At the opposite extreme is the leader of the Center Party, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. The Center Party was measured as Norway’s largest party in Dagbladet’s poll in December, so it is perhaps not surprising that voters are happy.

72 percent of those surveyed believe that Vedum is doing a good job for his own party. Among his own voters, the proportion is 94 percent.

– It is a good comment to receive. It’s probably mainly about our politics, the fact that people feel that the Center Party takes them seriously. Getting the Center Party to do a good job is first and foremost about teamwork, from our national politicians in the Storting to the members. So this is a measure that I want to pass on to everyone on the team, says Vedum.

Right fights – Erna shines

- It started with Jens

– It started with Jens

Conservative Party strategists have long regarded the Conservative leader as their strongest card. Although conservative leader Erna Solberg is on track to lose the election next year, voters are very happy with her efforts as party leader. Only Vedum does it better.

63 percent believe that Erna Solberg does a good job as party leader. Among their own voters, 93 percent answer the same.

When asked how they can stop the leakage of voters to the Center Party, conservative vice leader Tina Bru responds by referring to her popular party leader.

– Next year’s election will be a choice between Erna, Støre or Vedum as prime minister. With Erna at the helm, we will work to earn the trust of the voters. We will show that we have the best solutions to get Norway out of the crisis safely and create more jobs across the country, he says.

Melby back

Left-wing leader Guri Melby is the only party leader to clearly fall in December. With a decrease of 4 percentage points, only 24 percent believe that he is doing a good job for the Liberal Party. Among the voters themselves, 6 out of 10 respond the same.

Siv Jensen has seen severe turbulence in his own ranks in recent days, with the county team in Oslo under administration and the county leader ousted. In the survey conducted Monday through Wednesday, you get strong growth regardless of this. Among his own voters, it increases by 13 percentage points. 58 percent think she does a good job. Externally, 33 percent believe they do a good job.
