In Trump’s throat


PHILADELPHIA / OSLO (Dagbladet): A fierce battle is raging for the important changing states of Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Trump lags behind in the polls in most of them, and in recent days he has traveled from state to state to convince voters.

Biden has spent the last few days in Delaware preparing for the latest televised debate on Friday night. But just because he’s not traveling like Trump doesn’t mean he’s on the defensive.

On Thursday night, he launched perhaps the biggest weapon in his campaign arsenal: former President Barack Obama.

ATTACK: President Donald Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, urges Americans to cast their votes early and warns that the Trump administration is working to prevent people from voting. Video: TheShadeRoom
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To attack Trump

The political superstar visits Philadelphia on Thursday night Norwegian time in his first attempt to tip Pennsylvania in favor of Biden.

The event is closed as a result of the corona pandemic, and only 350 cars were allowed in the parking lot outside a ballpark.

Dagbladet was present as enthusiastic voters flocked before the event.

Named more important than Trump

Named more important than Trump

– No reality show

In his speech, it won’t be long before Obama attacks the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

– I explained that I never thought that Donald Trump would continue with my policy, but I hoped that he would have some interest in doing the job correctly. But that has not happened. You have shown no interest in doing the job. Or help someone other than himself and his friends, Obama begins and adds:

– You have used the presidency as a reality show that you can use to get attention. Even then, his television numbers are bad. Then you know it’s bugging him.

– This is not a reality show. This is the reality, he added.

– I’m angry

Obama, however, noted that he has been hopeful for the past four years.

– I’m angry. I have been frustrated but have not given up hope, and the reason is that I never expected progress to move in a straight line, says Trump’s predecessor.

Ready to strike mercy

Ready to strike mercy

In Trump’s throat

– Inventing things does not improve people’s lives. You must have a plan. You have to work, go on.

Obama also says that “there are not enough fact-checkers in this country to deal with all of Trump’s lies.”

– Democracy does not work if leaders lie every day, he also said as a clear stinger to Trump.

The former president then criticizes Trump’s handling of the crown.

– This pandemic would be difficult for all presidents, Obama acknowledges before emphasizing what he calls “the degree of incompetence and misinformation” and “the number of people who could not have died if the basics were done correctly.”

He repeatedly points out why he thinks people should vote for Joe Biden.

Trump's New Target: - Idiot, Disaster

Trump’s New Target: – Idiot, Disaster

– Joe is not organizing a high-profile event at the White House. He will control this pandemic and give them a free corona vaccine, Obama continues, before pointing out the importance of voting.

– The Ultimate Traction Patch

After a few days in the state, Obama is scheduled to move to other tip states.

Obama is now seriously involved in the election campaign to try to strengthen support for Biden among black men, Hispanics and younger voters, writes CNN.

Spread the theory

Spread Obama’s “sick” theory

– Former presidents do not tend to interfere in presidential elections, least of all their successors. He probably had no plans to do so either, but then Trump changed his plans, Obama’s former senior adviser David Axelrod told CNN.

Black voters can make a big difference in this year’s election. In 2016, national turnout among this group of voters fell sharply, Politico notes.

– Especially in Philadelphia, it is the ultimate attraction and remains a standard bearer of the Democrats. It can remind people of how things could have been, former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter tells Politico.

COMPLICATED: Several times a presidential candidate has won the elections despite having fewer votes than his opponent. This is how the American electoral system works.
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It can be the battlefield

In early October, the POWER Interfaith organization commissioned a survey to map the position of black male voters in the city. The poll showed that 72 percent of those under 50 supported Biden. By comparison, it showed that 91 percent of those over 50 supported the candidate.

In other words, there were fewer young black voters supporting Biden than older people, according to the poll.


The “macho talk” that could ensnare Trump

– We will be the battlefield, and I think Obama’s visit is a reflection of that. His intention is to remind the black community, and especially black men, that their votes count, Philadelphia City Council Majority Leader Cherelle Parker told Politico.

“Without Pennsylvania, it is mathematically impossible for Biden to reach 270 (the total number of electors needed from different states to win the election”), adds John Fetterman, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.

IHUGA FANS: Many Trump supporters braved the rain and showed up for the “Trump rally” in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on October 13. Video / Reporter: Vegard Kvaale
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More commercials

In addition to physically participating in the election campaign, Obama has stepped up his activity online. He is currently seen in four different television commercials that are shown on screens in Maine, Michigan, South Carolina and Georgia, writes CNN.

– Make sure Joe Biden wins. He wants the Senate to be ready to move our country forward, he says in one of the announcements.

It has also stepped up activity in its Twitter-profile.

– I trust you will be a great president. (…) It does the job, he says in one of the many videos he has posted in the last week.
