In Silje’s pocket, mari maurstad | Mari Maurstad spends NOK 231,000 a year on this:


Actress Mari Maurstad (63) is so kind that she dares not turn down vendors’ offers and spends tens of thousands on charity.

Watch the video below to find out why Maurstad can’t say no to sellers:

Maurstad is married to musician Aage Kvalbein, and together they have children Stinius, Scott, and Aslak Maurstad. She has been on the stage for several years, has been a voice actress, published books, and appeared in various television series.

This week she can be seen on the TV show “In Silje’s Pocket” where DNB’s consumer economist Silje Sandmæl will help her cut consumption.

– I just get mad at the numbers. When you are a performing artist that you could say that I am, it is the complete opposite of concrete. I just stop checking the account, because I get so mad, he tells Nettavisen.

However, her husband is good at finances, Maurstad thinks, so he is a good help when she needs it.

– I really don’t think he knew how much I struggled, because it’s kind of embarrassing not to be 100 percent in control, she says.

However, after Sandmæl’s visit, he has become more interested in his own finances.

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I had a lot of expensive offers

There are many “money thieves” on your bank statement, which Sandmæl reveals. The biggest is Mari’s great “weakness”.

– I can’t say no to callers and they will sell subscriptions and things like that, he says on the show.

It costs you dear. Up to 231,000 kronor a year goes towards deals, including electricity, insurance, telephone, broadband and charity.

That’s more than he spent on food and drink in one year: 207,000 kroner. This included a grocery store, Vinmonopolet, restaurant, newsagent, gas station, coffee shop, and specialty stores.

In one year, he spent 68,000 crowns on insurance, 61,000 crowns on electricity, and 12,000 crowns on telephone bills. With Silje’s help, the new budget was much lower. By collecting all insurance, it was NOK 15,000 cheaper.

– In addition, you can save 14,000 kroner by switching electricity supplier, eliminating all surcharges and at the same time being more conscientious about consumption, Sandmæl said on the show.

– You need to choose the cash price and make sure there are no additional fees every month. Here they have managed to sell you the guaranteed maximum price, the eco-friendly option, and safe everyday life, explains Sandmæl.

Also read: Expert warns against “shortcuts” to lower the electricity bill: – They must make the warning lights come on

At the same time, he supported 18 different charities with a total of 48,600 crowns, in addition to what he spends on his own Zulufadder organization.

– Charity is important to me. It makes me happy. Since 2005, I have run Zulu sponsors, where we support 1,000 children in South Africa with food and education so they can go to university, says Maurstad.

Send letters for 12,000 crowns

However, a lot of money is spent on completely different things as well. Maurstad loves to have fun in a cafe, and up to 42,000 kroner was spent on visits to cafes before Sandmæl came.

– I’m in the cafe every day. It’s my recreation, instead of going to expensive psychiatrists, he says on the show.

Another major expense, on the other hand, is pleasing others. He spent 12,000 crowns printing Christmas letters, buying stamps and envelopes. Up to 500 people received Christmas cards.

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With Vinderen Senter in the immediate area where you live, it’s easy to get through Maurstad. Perhaps too often.

In one year, you spend 47,934 crowns in the local area. It included, among others, Vinmonopolet, Jernia, Princess, Shell, Apotek 1, florist and perfumery.

Flowers alone cost her 14,281 crowns in one year.

In total, houses and homes, including interiors, flowers, books, and electronics, Maurstad spent NOK 70,000 in one year. Here, Sandmæl believed that Maurstad could reduce consumption to 21,000 crowns.

Watch the video below to find out why Maurstad needed Sandmæl’s help to clean up the economy:

Save more than before

In total, Sandmæl believed that Maurstad could save NOK 156,500 in one year. If you are successful, you are well on your way to achieving your goal.

The objective is to save 300,000 crowns to build an annex to the hut, where there is no electricity or running water.

– It’s a small cabin. So we better build an annex and put the bathroom in there, and make a loft with a loft and so forth, so there is room for more, he tells Nettavisen.

– I don’t want enough for a long time, so I prefer to use a little of the funds saved. As it seems now, I can do it in two or three years, says Maurstad.

Also read: Spend absolutely insane sums on food and drink: – Completely incomprehensible

Since Sandmæl helped her clean up her finances in late autumn, she has managed to save around 30,000 crowns.

– I can also save more. It is also a sport. I have also stopped drinking coffee. But when Silje has arranged those arrangements for me to save on them, it is clear that it is also marked on the account, he says.

Has reduced consumption

– It is not so difficult to reduce consumption, he says.

– What was more difficult to cut?

– Coffee in a cafeteria. It has become a habit when I have been doing it for so long. But I don’t do it seven times a week anymore, but maybe three, he says.

He has managed to cut back on flower purchases and also eliminated his training membership.

– Now it has been closed anyway, but I have bought manuals, and I see that I can train at home, he says.


It’s been out of stock for 14 years – now it’s finally available again
