– Impossible to tell where this started – VG


INFECTION PLANES: Trump’s advisers Stephen Miller and Hope Hicks (back) on their way to the Marine One presidential helicopter, which will take them to Air Force One and Minnesota on September 30. Facing them are White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino, aide Nicholas Luna and Trump’s adviser Jared Kushner. In hindsight, both Hicks and Luna and Miller tested positive for the coronavirus. Photo: Carolyn Kaster / AP

The infection is spreading in the circle around Donald Trump. Presidential Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany says they don’t know where the outbreak started.

On Wednesday night, Stephen Miller, an adviser to US President Donald Trump, announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

For the past five days I have been working from home and isolating myself, testing negative every day, even yesterday. “Today I tested positive for covid-19 and I am in quarantine,” he said in a statement to CNN.

Miller has been on multiple flights with Trump and other advisers recently. On September 30, she flew to and from Minnesota with Trump’s adviser, Hope Hicks. She was the first to be confirmed infected in the White House outbreak.

In retrospect, a total of five out of at least seven on the plane have been diagnosed with corona: Donald Trump selv, his press officer Kayleigh McEnany and his assistant Nicholas Luna, as well as Hicks and Miller.

Trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and Dan Scavino, who runs the White House’s social media, tested negative.

A total of 23 People who have been in contact with Trump recently have now tested positive for the coronavirus.

Stephen Miller is married to Katie Miller, a spokesperson for Vice President Mike Pence. He was diagnosed with corona earlier this year, but he shouldn’t have tested positive again now. It is still said that he left the campaign in which he was with the vice president, writes ABC.

– Full disclaimer

According to the New York Times, the White House is doing little to investigate the scope and source of the outbreak that has now affected them. For example, they didn’t want help tracking infections from the American Institute of Public Health CDC.

It is also said that the Trump administration decided not to trace the close contacts of guests and staff who were present at the White House ceremony in Rosehagen on September 26, when Amy Coney Barrett was nominated as a Supreme Court Justice by Trump. .

Several have pointed to the ceremony as a possible high-profile event. At least 13 of the more than 150 participants have been subsequently diagnosed with corona, shows the VG overview.

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– This is a full disclaimer from the Trump administration. The idea of ​​not engaging the CDC to conduct infection screening now seems like a massive threat to public health, Joshua Barocas, a public health expert at Boston University, told the New York Times.

He notes that the infection can spread to vulnerable neighborhoods where White House employees live if it is not mapped correctly.

Scott Gottlieb, former head of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), told CBS that he has spoken with several people who were present at the Rosehagen event and who say they have not been contacted afterwards.

– I think they have an obligation to understand how the infection came to this environment. They don’t seem to be a very coordinated effort.

Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer calls the reports of the lack of trace of the infection “disturbing.”

– Now that the president is on the mend and returning to the White House after his inauguration, we ask that you immediately submit a detailed and comprehensive description of what kind, if anything, the infection control regime has been started, he writes and Sen. Patty Murray in a letter to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Tuesday.

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Thomas Frieden, who headed the CDC public health institute under President Barack Obama, describes the infection in the White House as a cluster.

“When you have a group of infections, you want to identify all the people who may have been exposed, so they can be quarantined if necessary and analyzed,” he told the New York Times.

– Interact daily

Trump Press Officer Kayleigh McEnany tells Fox News They still don’t know if the infection originated from the ceremony in Rosehagen.

– It’s impossible to say where this started. Several of those who tested positive were at that event, but many of these people interact on a daily basis, which is at least the case when it comes to White House employees.

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– It is not possible to pinpoint a single place, but monitoring the infection began as soon as it began to see positive cases, he adds.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement to CNN that they have a separate medical team of 30 people and that they are responsible for working on the outbreak.

– The White House has plans and procedures that incorporate current CDC guidelines and the best ways to limit COVID-19 infection. The White House has also established a robust infection control program, it said in a statement, adding that the CDC is “embedded” in the work.

It is not clear how they may be involved, writes the New York Times.

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