– Immigrants React Strongly to Criticism of Tajik Clothing Style – NRK Rogaland – Local News, TV and Radio


– I am surprised that this can happen here in 2020: that a strong Norwegian woman is criticized for dressing up. In our culture, there is great acceptance that women, including intellectuals and leaders, can dress well and be well made up, says Tatjana Pejcinovska from Macedonia.

New book by Hadia Tajik

Is this image sexualized? Yes, says Karoline Holmboe Høibo.

NRK meets with a group of immigrant women in Sandnes in Rogaland who attend courses at Lingu to strengthen opportunities for success in work life and other social settings.

They are outraged that Karoline Holmboe Høibo, Faculty Director of the University of Stavanger, criticizes AP Deputy Director Hadia Tajik because the cover of her recent book is too sexualized and feminized.

“The image attests to an attitude that women’s views are not interesting enough in and of themselves. I think the use of images destroys both your political message and the opportunity for other young women to act politically in the future.

Holmboe Høibo writes this in an article in Stavanger Aftenblad that has fired the minds of many.

– A role model for us

Misbah Liaqat from Pakistan says Hadia Tajik is a role model for herself and many other Pakistani women in Norway.

Misbah liaqat

Misbah Liaqat is disappointed by the criticism of Hadia Tajik.

Photo: Thomas Ystrøm / NRK

– She defends equality and freedom, and in Norway I thought these were important values. The image in the book is amazing. It’s a shame that another woman criticizes her for her appearance, says Liaqat.

Karoline Holmboe Høibo says she would not have reacted if Tajik had dressed like this at a New Year’s party.

– What I react to is that this is the cover of a book. It differs from how we are used to seeing it. Why bet on the seductive?
– What is seductive?
– Choice of clothes. The book has a political message, but the image is festive, she had not gone like that at the Storting.

– I read wrong

Holmboe Høibo did not expect the reactions to be so violent.
– I have touched a nerve, but of course I am responsible for what I have written. That being said, I read a lot by many. As if he wanted to limit the ability of women to dress however they want. That should be covered so as not to invite unwanted behavior. I do not mean that. But I wonder what he wants to achieve with such an image.

Karoline Holmboe Høibo

Karoline Holmboe Høibo, Director of the Faculty of Education Sciences and Humanities at the University of Stavanger, asks whether the choice of color and position on the cover of the book should steer the mind towards “50 shades of gray.”

Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / NRK

– What do you think of the criticisms of the immigrant community?

– I hope women can dress however they want in Norway, but we must not step back and be pressured into having to dress well to be heard.

Hadia Tajik has responded to the criticism in a discussion post on Aftenbladet.

“I would have understood if the accusation came from a somewhat conservative Pakistani man,” writes Tajik, who wonders if “Labor politicians must wear a flannel shirt to appear credible.”
