– I’m worried – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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– I come but an urgent prayer. Hold the meter, wash your hands, and stay home when you are sick. It is your responsibility and we all must do it now. My prayer for Norwegians is to keep the measurements. But the prayer must be followed. If we now take steps to reduce infection, there is a greater chance that the extended family can get together and celebrate Christmas.

The Prime Minister says Norway is one of the least contagious countries in Europe, even though there have been several local outbreaks.

– In recent weeks, the development of the infection has gone from worse to worse. In most European countries, the infection is increasing considerably. More people end up in hospitals and more deaths, Solberg says.

But the prime minister is concerned about the ongoing local outbreaks.

– We now have the highest number of hospitalized patients with covid-19 since May. There is a significant risk that the numbers will continue to rise, as we see in Europe, says Solberg.

The Prime Minister warns that the situation could get worse if the infection continues to increase in society.

– November can be tougher than we imagine. Each of us must make the right decisions every day, even if it is demanding. The alternative is more infections, more deaths, and even stricter measures.


The Prime Minister asks Norwegians to keep the meter, wash their hands and be home when they are sick, to reduce infection in Norway.

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

More than 270 infected in the last 24 hours

As of midnight on Friday night, 17,233 people infected with corona were registered in Norway. This is an increase of 270 cases reported in the last 24 hours. There are also 78 more than the day before and 86 more than at the same time last week.

At the same time, Norway’s testing capacity has increased since March.

Today, approximately half of the cases of infection are detected. While in March, a very small proportion of infections were discovered, according to the chief physician of the National Institute of Public Health Preben Aavitsland.

In total, more than 1.54 million people have been tested for coronavirus in Norway.

There will be a national tightening already next week, says the Prime Minister.

– The measures will be aimed at areas where we now see an increase in infection.

Health and Care Services Minister Bent Høie says measures will be targeted when there is a spread of the infection across the country. There may also be stricter measures at the local level.

– What we are doing now is to avoid entering the same situation as other European countries. Avoid closing cities and taking drastic measures to regain control. And we certainly don’t want to get into such a situation for Christmas. That’s why we are hardening now, says Høie.

See photo of Oslo and barcode, taken from Ekeberg

There are several local outbreaks in Norway. In Oslo, there have been 79 new infections in Oslo in the last 24 hours, the highest number in more than two weeks in the municipality.

Photo: Nadir Alam

Various local shoots

In Oslo, there have been 79 new infections in Oslo in the last 24 hours, according to recent figures from the municipality. This is the highest number in more than two weeks in the municipality.

In the last two weeks, 662 infected people have been registered in the capital. Aavitsland said Thursday that he is concerned that big cities will lose control of the virus.

In Gjøvik, there are now more than 300 in quarantine and the care centers are closed to visitors. After an outbreak in the municipality. The municipality is waiting for responses to the 200 samples taken yesterday and continues to carry out tests. The total number of infected in the municipality is 18.

In Trondheim, 220 NTNU students are now in quarantine. After two students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences were diagnosed with covid-19. Since before, 1000 people are in quarantine in the city.

The outbreak at Hammerfest has also received a lot of attention. Health North is now on a yellow alert and the National Institute of Public Health has dispatched one of its infection detection teams to assist in Hammerfest, due to the increase in infections in Hammerfest and Tromsø.

19 employees are infected and 120 are in quarantine at Finnmark Hospital. Report to the hospital on Friday.


The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is now considering the exception rule for foreign workers after even more cases have been reported to this group. Also at Kvaerner en Stor, foreign workers were working while we were infected.

Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB

Will consider crown rules for foreign workers

In recent weeks, 210 people have brought the infection from abroad to Norway. Half of them came from Poland and several of them probably work in Norwegian industrial companies.

The chief physician of the National Institute of Public Health, Trude Arnesen, says they are concerned about the development of this group.

– This is a short period of time in Norway, often living and working in crowded conditions and often not being adequately familiar with the rules and opportunities for testing. All this together we worry that they will go outside the advice we give or give, says Arnesen.

Now it may be relevant to change the rule, according to Arnesen.

– For example, it may be relevant to say that the first test must have been carried out a couple of days after the quarantine period, and not on arrival as it is now.

The Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie, invited LO and NHO to a meeting on Monday to discuss exemption rules for those coming to Norway from abroad to work.

Of the 1,030 cases of infection in the last two weeks, 210 have been infected abroad. Half of them came from Poland.

Infection among Poles has long been low compared to various other immigrant groups. The large increase among Poles is probably due to infection from imports.
