– I’m surprised – VG


SURPRISED: Carl I. Hagen says he waits for an explanation. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

FRP politicians are shocked after the party’s central board concluded that the Oslo FRP leader Geir Ugland Jacobsen should be excluded and that the Oslo FRP is closed.

Carl I. Hagen tells NRK that he is shocked by the central board’s decision.

– I’m in shock and I don’t understand anything. I hope I get some explanation, and I won’t get it tonight, says Hagen.

Storting representative Christian Tybring-Gjedde reacts to Dagbladet as follows:

– I am surprised, speechless and sorry. Beyond that, I have no comment, says Tybring-Gjedde.

– Management must go alone

The local team leader at Nordre Aker Frp, Arne Østreng, had imagined that Jacobsen could be sent off, but was still shocked when it happened. You think the decision is unreasonable.

– It is very unfortunate that shop stewards are excluded. Rather you should ask yourself what is the reason we have regressed in measurements in recent years. The direction must go alone, he tells VG.

Loses confidence in Siv Jensen

Study leader at the Oslo FRP county council, Dag Myhre, says he has been positive about the party’s leadership, but they have put a damper on political discussion lately. He thinks this could have been done more democratically.

– I had confidence in Siv jensen, now I have a little more doubt. We should have had an alternative so that we could have a real vote on the leadership position. If there are two pieces in a party vote, you can vote blank, Myhre tells VG.

– It is not a matter of personnel, but a political matter. It was treated as a matter of personnel to be able to keep things hidden, Myhre says.

Sigurd Fredeng, leader of Gamle Oslo Frp, believes the party has gone too far.

– When you emphasize that there is a high ceiling at the party, then you must also demonstrate that there is a high ceiling and rather come with a written warning or equivalent This decision goes beyond everyone who is a member and all local teams, Fredeng tells VG.

Former leader of Oslo Frp: – Management wise

Peter N. Myhre, a former Oslo Frp leader for 17 years, believes the party leadership did well to settle for what he calls culture.

– The most important thing going forward will be to gather around the FRP platform and commercialize the FRP policy. We must forget about the discussion about whether the FRP should be a nationalist party. It’s a dead end, says Myhre.

The former leader is now part of the Frp interim board. This fall, he chaired the nominations committee for Oslo Frp.

– The nominating committee has completed its work and has given its recommendation to the county board. Jacobsen is currently on that list, so we’ll probably have to make a change there. We must go back to how this is done, he says.

– Are you relevant to return as county party leader?

– I have no comment on that. It’s been almost eleven years since I quit, so I haven’t thought about that question.

DISAGREE: Ombir Upadhyay says that Frp makes a small case a big case. Here on the podium during the national FrP meeting in Gardermoen. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

Stovner Frp leader Ombir Upadhyay says what is happening is completely incomprehensible.

– From the information I have, it does not appear that there is a high ceiling. They should have done the opposite. At the national meeting we agreed that they should work for each other. Establishing an FRP team solves nothing.

Upadhyay doesn’t think anything about the exclusion of Geir Ugland Jacobsen.

– I would rather have done something to eliminate all misunderstandings, if any. To me, it seems like you turn a small case into a big case. I do not agree with what has been done, he tells VG.

also read

Oslo FRP leader Geir Ugland Jacobsen has been excluded from the party

Listhaug: – Has damaged the reputation of the party.

After the exclusion became known, party leader Siv Jensen and deputy leader Sylvi Listhaug met with the press at the Storting. Deputy Sylvi Listhaug justified the exclusion.

– Ugland Jacobsen has repeatedly damaged the reputation of the party, our members and shop stewards. FRP needs union stewards who contribute positively to party building. The county leader in Oslo has suffered several abuses, Listhaug says.

Ugland Jacobsen says he’s done with Frp

Ugland Jacobsen will not appeal the exclusion decision to the national board in Frp.

– Trust is not in place. I won’t get a breakthrough in my opinion, Ugland Jacobsen tells NTB.

Ugland Jacobsen says he doesn’t want to make any more noise than there is already around Frp. He emphasizes that he will continue to get involved politically, but that he does not currently have a plan for which forums to take place.
