– I’m glad I got out of there – VG


SNIPP, SNAPP, SNUTE: Jostein Grav is out of “Farmen” after losing Sunday’s game against Kjetil Kirk. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

The participant from the “farm” (58) was called “13 years in the head” and finally had to go home.

The first “Farmen” week of the fall is at the end of the road, and on Sunday it was Jostein Grav who had to leave the competition after a stressful duel in an ax throw against Kjetil Kirk (27).

Earlier this week, it was Grav who was chosen as the first champion by the great farmer Daniel Viem Årdal (30). After the elections, the now 58-year-old returnee ended up in a heated argument with the large farmer, who finally ordered him to leave the place where the other participants were working hard on the weekly allowance.

– I have seen the first few episodes, and I must say that in hindsight I am very happy to have gotten out of there. The youths formed a group that was difficult to pass through, says the returnee participant to VG.

– Eventually it would be a terrible nightmare, he adds.

Do you remember this? Several noticed something gurgling in the trailer for TV 2’s “Farmen Kjendis” this winter:

Grav, who lives in Hobøl in Viken County, says he entered “Farmen” with the goal of winning. He thinks he quickly realized that he could do it too.

– Because I am a craftsman and I had a lot to contribute. I was a resource to the team, and then I thought they would take care of me until the last week approached, he says.

– But when these groups emerged, which meant that the elderly were not even allowed to sleep at night, I realized that at some point I would have been so carried away by being there that I might even have asked to go home. So, for my own health and future, it might have been okay to smoke. Although I was sad from time to time.

One of the reasons why it was precisely Grav who was chosen as the first giant must have been that the great farmer believed that he was trying to sabotage by withholding information about the weekly allowance.

– But not me. At the same time, he was a great farmer and did all the homework with a mentor.

Grave says he told the large farmer that he should keep working, on the condition that he receive an apology for being accused of sabotage.

– I never had that excuse, and that was the reason why I quit my job.

The filming of “Farmen” has not yet been completed and therefore VG does not have the opportunity to contact anyone other than the smoker as he would reveal the content of the show. That is the reason why Daniel Viem Årdal does not speak to VG in this case.

On Sunday’s episode, it was also clear that the weekly allowance was not approved. On the show, Årdal said the following:

– Now we have to go to the market with no money, and we do not succeed, simply because we have someone named Jostein, someone who does not bother to work when he is elected first champion.

Årdal continued:

– It is Jostein who knows the most about the door that was not approved, and it is he who knows the most about carpentry. If he hadn’t been 13 years old on his head, sat on his hind legs, and just annoyed and made rumors on the farm afterward, then we would have accomplished this task. I blame Jostein.

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VG confronts “Farmen” -Jostein with Årdal’s statements before he himself has seen them on television:

– You say that? To put it this way: that probably says more about Daniel. I don’t think I have any other comment than that, he says, until he still continues:

– At three different times, I asked him if he could apologize for claiming that I sabotaged the weekly allowance. He wasn’t interested in that, so I told him that when he accuses me of those things, then I don’t want to participate in the work either.

Jostein says his plan was to go back and ask to be the first champion again, and then pick Daniel as the second champion.

– It hurt me so much that I thought I’d take that fight at some point.

QUIET BEFORE THE STORM: Kjetil Kirk and Jostein Grav smiled widely before Sunday’s game. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

Just before Sunday’s duel, host Mads Hansen asked the big farmer what really went wrong.

– In the end, we lost a strong bond in Jostein, who did not want to contribute, Årdal replied.

– Wasn’t it a calculated risk you took when you chose it? Fthe host continued.

– You have to take a chance here, and I fully understand that it will not help me to give me a knife when I chose you as the first champion. I understand that.

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What do you think of the way he spoke to you in the fight you had on Wednesday?

– Well, I’m a “hook”. I have a twinkle in my eye, and at the time I really cared little, Jostein replies.

– But of course, when I see it on television in retrospect, I think it looks a bit disgusting. Many people have called me too. They ask me how I’m doing and if I’m okay after going through that. Some feel it was a bit ugly.

Jostein doesn’t understand the need for the strobe to scare him out of the plaza.

– Exactly that I think was too stupid, says the participant of “Farmen”, who admits that he got a little closer to it.

– It’s not fun to get scolded when you feel like you’re doing a lot to get the job done. That way it hurt, after all I’m just a common man trying to do a job and get it done. But who ends up putting up so much shit when accused of not wanting the mission to end?

MOUTH CUT: Daniel Viem Årdal and Jostein Grav didn’t get along very well in “Farmen.” The latter was seriously affected. Photo: Alex Iversen, TV 2

Although it was an early exit from “Farmen,” the 58-year-old did not quite enter the basement.

– I took the loss with a grain of salt. But I went high verbally and chose Kjetil because he is a city boy. It was embarrassing to lose, but I got nervous and excited on that stage. He was sure he would take it.

But: maybe it was better that everything was as it was, he admits.

– If I had returned to the farm, it would have been “pepper” between Daniel and me, says Jostein Grav laughing at VG.

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