Illness, exhaustion and risk of infection. Now more Swedish health workers are leaving than before.


The crisis in the Swedish crown has serious consequences for the staffing of the health system.

Sweden is now experiencing a new spike in infection, but has less access to qualified personnel than this spring. Here a crown patient management tent was set up in Karolinska in Stockholm earlier this year. Photo: TT NEWS AGENCY / Reuters / NTB scanpix

The capacity of intensive care units has exploded, the proportion of positive tests is high and more than 7,500 people have died.

The corona pandemic has put Sweden to the test.

Now more Swedish healthcare workers are leaving than before, writes Bloomberg.

Although Sweden should now have more much-needed intensive care facilities, finding employees is a greater concern. The competition to care for the sickest patients has disappeared from hospitals.

In the infection room at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm alone, 34 out of 50 nurses have left since January, Aftonbladet writes.

Stops to recover

– I spoke with members in August who said they would resign because it was the only way they could have some free time and a chance to recover, says Sineva Ribeiro.

She is the leader of the Vårdförbundet union, which organizes more than 100,000 Swedish health workers.

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– We see that there is a lot of disease, symptoms of fatigue and limbs that have been infected.

Ribeiro fears that wear and tear will lead to loss of life.

– In a work environment where you are so tired, the possibility of making mistakes increases. And those mistakes can result in the death of patients.

She already warned in May of an untenable situation.

Ask the military for help

A survey by Swedish TV 4 shows that more healthcare workers quit their jobs than before.

In 13 of Sweden’s 21 regions, the number of layoffs of health workers has increased in the past year. In some areas, up to 500 stop smoking a month.

In Stockholm it is especially bad. Here, 3,600 members of the medical staff have resigned since March, according to SVT. That is 900 more than in the same period last year.

Now the situation is so critical that the regional authorities have asked the army medical personnel for help. It is currently unclear if they have the necessary resources.

Now Björn Eriksson, director of the hospital in the Stockholm region, is also asking private actors to give their employees time off.

– Give them free time and let them work for us, cheer on Dagens Nyheter.

Nurse at the infection clinic at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT NYHETSBYRÅN / NTB scanpix

Wear and tear

Stockholm County Mayor Irene Svenonius describes the situation as “extremely tense”.

In an interview on Friday, he acknowledged that the city’s health workers are overworked and that staff is needed.

– It’s wear and tear. It cannot be ignored, which is why it is extremely important to get more people, he said.

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In this way, the Nordic countries have become both examples of horror and role models.

According to the Swedish Public Health Authority, more than 10,000 cases of infection were recorded in the country’s capital last week. 99 percent of intensive care capacity in the capital has been filled.

Nationwide, more than 3,400 people have been admitted to Swedish intensive care units during the pandemic.

Part of the problem is explained by the moderate salary that many nurses receive.

They work long hours and are exposed to infections. But it doesn’t appear on the payment receipt. Many people finally decide that it is not worth it.

Sara Nordin, a Swedish intensive care nurse who Bloomberg has spoken to, says she had to quit her job. He did not make ends meet on a basic salary of around 300,000 crowns.
