Idar Vollvik refused to pay Stavanger companies 3.9 million for hand alcohol. The parties have already reached an agreement – E24


Idar Vollvik bought hand sanitizer for more than NOK 5 million from Stavanger’s small company Verktøy & Vern. 3.9 million went unpaid, and the case would actually go to court next year. The parties have now reached an agreement.

Idar Vollvik has reached an agreement with the company Verktøy & Vern in Stavanger.

Alice bratshaug


– I can confirm that the parties have reached an agreement in the case, but I cannot comment further on the content, says Erik Årstad at the law firm Bull Årstad to Aftenbladet.

He has represented Verktøy & Vern in the case against Idar Vollvik and his company Vovi AS.

– No comment

It was before the summer that Idar Vollvik ordered hand sanitizer for more than NOK 5 million from Verktøy & Vern, which is based in Madla in Stavanger. A little over 1 million kronor was paid out at maturity, but then stopped.

This led Verktøy & Vern to sue Idar Vollvik for NOK 3.9 million, and the trial was scheduled in the Bergen District Court on April 15-16 next year. But recently an agreement was reached between the parties to avoid the trial.

– I have no comment on it, says the sales manager and one of the owners of Verktøy & Vern, Kristoffer Thorvig.

– Are you satisfied with the agreement?

– I can’t or don’t want to say anything, answer briefly.

Verktøy & Vern is owned by Christer André Pinto and Kristoffer Pedersen Thorvig with 50 percent each. Last year, the company made a pre-tax profit of NOK 163,000 with a turnover of NOK 8.9 million.

29,000 liters of hand alcohol

The reason Idar Vollvik claimed to have the remaining batch of hand alcohol, which consisted of 29,000 liters, was high, was that he thought the product was defective. Naturally, Verktøy & Vern did not have that point of view, which required a full liquidation.

– Vovi AS has offered to return the goods received, something that Verktøy & Vern has been unwilling to do, assistant attorney at Wikborg Rein, Celine Krogh Fornes, told Aftenbladet in late September.

Tools & Protection is located in Madla.

Kjell-Ivar G. Gilje

There has been a heavy storm around Idar Vollvik in recent months. The series founder quickly turned around when he saw what was about to happen in March. As Norway closed, Vollvik was in dialogue with Chinese factories about ordering infection control equipment. But earlier this week, Vollvik stated in a press release that he soon believes the pandemic is over. Therefore, it is now discontinuing the sale of infection control products and getting rid of the bandage stock.

– Selling infection control products in general has not been a good experience for us, but it is still an experience, says Vollvik in a press release.

Eliminate the price of masks

At the beginning of September, Idar Vollvik was arrested in his own home by the police, who at the same time acted against three of the premises of his companies. Police believed that the ex-billionaire had deliberately repackaged face masks that were not approved for medical use and marked them as medical masks.

Vollvik later admitted to wrapping the bandages, but denied his criminal guilt. Subsequently, the police also claimed that several of his masks, which were tested during the investigation, were of better quality than feared.

Vollvik was prohibited from selling the sanitary pads. This was abolished after a while, and in late September Vollvik stated that he was continuing to sell face masks.

On Monday this week, Vollvik said that they estimate that this market for some products may last for some time, but especially the sales of face masks will decline during the first half of 2021. It has now started to discontinue sales of the products.

– We emphasize that it is an approved nozzle in accordance with current requirements. We want to give people access to affordable goods, rather than keeping large amounts of goods in stock when the pandemic ends, says Vollvik.

