– I wouldn’t be worried – VG


IT HAS ARRIVED: King Harald arrived in Rikshospitalet on Thursday afternoon, where he will undergo a heart valve operation. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

The operation to be carried out by the King on Friday is not without risk, but cardiologist Wasim Zahid says there is not much cause for concern.

On Thursday afternoon, it was announced that King Harald (83) is to undergo heart surgery. The operation is scheduled for Friday this week in Rikshospitalet and means that Her Majesty will change a heart valve.

– His Majesty the King has attended regular check-ups, and the report we have recently conducted has shown that this intervention is necessary to improve the King’s breathing, King’s physician Bjørn Bendz says in a Palace press release on Thursday.

The famous doctor and cardiologist Wasim Zahid has made an informative video about the operation on the occasion of the King’s operation. He emphasizes that he has no preconditions to comment on the King’s health, but speaks in a general way.

– All surgical procedures have a risk, but I know that the doctors who perform this treatment on patients here at Oslo University Hospital are very experienced and good. I wouldn’t worry if one of my loved ones went through that treatment.

New method with several benefits.

SURGERY FRIDAY: According to recent studies, King Harald will undergo heart surgery on Friday. Photo: Mattis Sandblad

In 2005, the King performed an open operation on the heart valve between the heart and the main artery, the so-called aortic valve. This was replaced by an artificial heart valve, made of biological material that normally needs to be replaced after 10 to 15 years.

Zahid says that a new open heart operation is not recommended, especially in elderly patients.

– This type of intervention is a great tension, and that is why it is good that we have another alternative called TAVI. It then goes into the groin and the patient is awakened under local anesthesia. The new heart valve is then transported to the heart through blood vessels.

According to the cardiologist, this method brings many benefits. Among other things, the subsequent rehabilitation time is considerably shorter compared to a traditional open heart operation. Many patients will be able to leave the hospital only after a few days.

Complications can occur

Although this operation is considered relatively safe, some complications can still occur.

– What he fears most is damaging the main artery when inserting the new heart valve. The main artery can rupture and dangerous internal bleeding can occur. Another complication is that the patient can suffer a stroke during the procedure itself.

A medical team led by the King’s physician, Chief Physician Bjørn Bendz of the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Clinic in Rikshospitalet, will carry out the operation.

VG has been in contact with the Oslo Palace and University Hospital, which will not comment further on the matter.

SPECIALIST: Wasim Zahid is a familiar medical face to many. He is a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology, and can say that the heart valve operation that the King will undergo on Friday is considered a relatively safe procedure. Photo: Magnar Kirknes

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