– I will not start a new party – VG


ORLANDO (VG) In his first speech as former president, Donald Trump affirms that he does not want to start a new party. – They were “fake news,” he assures from the Florida podium.


– Did you miss me?

Here’s how former President Donald Trump opened his first speech after handing over presidential power to Joe Biden, before continuing:

“I am here today to declare that the journey we began four years ago is far from over,” Trump continued.

Seconds later, he denied rumors that a new party would start.

– I’m not starting a new party. It was fake news, Trump continued, before declaring that he would continue “the fight against socialism.”

In the background, loud shouts from the assembly and applause among them are heard: “We want Trump, we want Trump.”

The speech will be given at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which has been a Republican Party institution since the 1970s. Future Republican presidents have been happy to test their ideas during the conference.

Trump did not skimp on jokes against the current President Biden and took the opportunity to criticize the first weeks of the new president’s work:

“No president in our history has had a worse first month than Joe Biden,” Trump noted.

During the speech, the former president also hinted that he keeps open the possibilities of running again for the 2024 elections.

ATTENDED: Trump supporters have outside the Hyatt Regency hotel where Donald Trump will speak Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Hundreds gathered to hear Trump

Outside the conference hotel where Trump is speaking, hundreds of supporters have gathered, waving flags. Cars painted with Trump slogans honk through the streets.

Inside the hotel, the lobby is packed, probably with thousands of people. Trump took the stage eventually. From what VG has observed, many of the participants fall using bandages.

Before the conference, it was expected that Trump, according to anonymous sources to Axios, would demonstrate that he has great control over the Republican Party, and that he would proclaim himself as the presidential candidate of the Republicans in the 2024 elections.

VG wrote early Sunday that in this year’s CPAC edition it is difficult to find both speakers and participants who do not show indomitable loyalty to the president who resigned.

IN GOLD: Former President Donald Trump here immortalized through a gold-colored statue. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG


A gold sculpture of Trump is on display at the conference. Many walk with visible effects of Trump. The show is dominated by the problems of Trump’s heart, including a session on the presidential election: “Why the judges and the media refused to look at the evidence.”

The speakers are among Trump’s most loyal to Congress. Trump’s son Don Jr. joked that the conference should be renamed “TPAC.”

In other words, Trump’s popularity among CPAC participants and speakers does not appear to affect the fact that he lost the election and delivered a speech on January 6, after which a mob stormed congress.
