I was surprised when he saw himself after the nightmare:


The Dutchman suffered very serious injuries when his compatriot Dylan Groenewegen pushed him against the fence in the sprint on stage.

After a five-hour operation, a message came from the hospital that Jakobsen was out of danger. He suffered several fractures to his face, as well as injuries to his palate and trachea, and was in an artificial coma for two days.

When he woke up, he saw pictures of himself from when he was admitted to the hospital.

– All I saw was blood. It looked like a carnage on the highway. I thought, “Hey? I’m not like that, ”he says in an interview with Dutch AD, reproduced by Cyclingnews.

Tell what happened two days before. His teammate Florian Senechal came to the rescue and had his head lifted so that he would not suffocate on his own blood. When he calmed down, Senechal is said to have told him.

Jakobsen himself believes that Senechal and UAE team doctor Dirk Tenner saved his life.

You are now back in the bike seat.

– A few weeks ago a couple of colleagues came to visit us and we went for a bike ride. It wasn’t quick, but he was elated. It felt like the Champs Elysees, says Jakobsen.

He says he hopes to be back in cycling at the start of the season in March, but thinks August is even more realistic.

About his compatriot Groenewegen, he says he holds him partially responsible, but that he does not deserve all the anonymous incitement he has received.

– I really hope that soon he can do what he’s good at – running – and that we can put all this behind us.

Following the accident, Groenewegen has been banned from all bicycle races until May 7 next year.

(© NTB)
