– I think the Minister of Health went too far – VG


Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) took a position with the Minister of Health during tonight’s press conference.

He believes it is very unfortunate that Health Minister Bent Høie wanted to override the municipality’s government, something he announced on Sunday night.

Høie then announced that he was willing to make national decisions if the city council did not follow the advice of the Norwegian Health Directorate on stricter measures.

– The Minister of Health has even threatened to introduce measures. That surprises me, Johansen said at the news conference Monday night.

He added that “KS (the municipal sector organization, editor’s note) and other people within the law also react.”

– Has been under heavy pressure

Johansen thinks voiding is a bad way to cooperate.

– I think the Minister of Health went too far, I think he is reckless. I think we are very helpful in trusting each other and taking the necessary action.

Johansen also reacts to pressure from high places because the growth of the infection has stopped in the capital.

I would wait a few more days

For VG, Johansen emphasizes that they would not have introduced measures today if they had not experienced pressure from Høie.

– We had waited a few days to see the measurements, but now we did. We introduced a series of measures last Monday and we were clear that the measures should have time to take effect.

Johansen says it is important that the authorities and the municipality stand shoulder to shoulder and “do not threaten to invalidate.”

Høie told the news conference early Monday that he did not threaten to revoke, but hoped the municipality would follow the advice of the Norwegian Health Directorate on stricter measures.

– Høie had clear expectations about what the municipality of Oslo should do today. Do you have any expectations with him now that you have met him?

– Yes, I think it is very stupid to go out in the media and say that you are willing to cancel a municipality. We are both responsible for what we say and how we are perceived. Now they perceived him as willing to annul us, it is his responsibility, he tells VG.

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Oslo City Council toughens measures

Must coordinate state and capital

This weekend, there was a full agreement between the government and the Oslo city hall on whether stricter measures should be introduced in the capital. The Minister of Health declared today during the government press conference that he expected the municipality to introduce the measures tonight.

– Today I feel a great responsibility to coordinate the state and the capital. A conflict between Oslo and the state will weaken people’s trust in politicians, authorities and the future handling of the pandemic. Therefore, the city council has decided that we introduce new measures now.

Johansen also announced a series of new measures for Oslo at today’s press conference.

Here are the measurements:

  • Oslo introduces a temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without permanent seats.
  • Requests for the use of masks in public transport are also being introduced now that it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter.
  • Guest registration will also be required in restaurants.
  • Introduces the use of face masks in home nursing where distance cannot be maintained.

The measures are initially extended until October 13, after which the City Council will make a new assessment.

ANSWER: Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen believes the Health Minister went too far in overriding the municipality. Photo: Heiko Junge

Drops several recommended measures

– I hope that the national authorities continue to trust that we know our citizens better, says the leader of the city council.

The City Council will not follow the recommendation of the Norwegian Health Directorate to limit the gathering of more than five people in private homes.

– If we want to continue to be successful, keep the infection low, we must earn the trust of the people. We must show that we are introducing only the measures that are necessary.

These are the measures recommended by the Norwegian Health Directorate:

Maximum number of private meetings: 5 people (there can be several members of the household).
2. Max. number of people in events: 50.
3. Order on the use of a home office ‘for all who can’ of the Oslo municipal employer (Norwegian Health Directorate encourages state actors to do the same).
4. Prohibition of events in universities and high schools that are not related to teaching.
5. Strengthen compliance with the use of masks in public transport to and from Oslo.
Intensified control of restaurants, including sufficient distance between customers both inside and in the admission queue
7. Stop admission to nightclubs at 22.

The Oslo City Council has also chosen not to follow recommendations for nightclub admission to close at 10pm and a ban on events in upper secondary schools and universities that are not related to teaching.

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