– I think I was confused – VG


The director of the US Federal Institute of Public Health said it would take time for a corona vaccine to be ready for most people. That’s not correct, says US President Donald Trump.

During a Senate hearing Wednesday, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said most people should not expect to be vaccinated right away.

A vaccine may be available in November or December, he said, but it won’t be available to the masses until next spring or summer. After the vaccine is approved, it will take six to nine months before it can be distributed nationwide, Redfield explained, according to NPR.

Read more about the international vaccine race in VGs special crown

This is contrary to the promises of Trump, who has said that a corona vaccine will already be ready this fall, perhaps already for the presidential elections on November 3.

INFECTION EXPERT: The director of the US National Center for Infection Control (CDC) Robert Redfield spoke during a Senate hearing on the response to the coronavirus on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Harnik / POOL / AP POOL

During a press conference at the White House on Wednesday night, Trump faced statements from the chief of public health and responded by dismissing the statements as “incorrect.”

– I was very surprised, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are ready to distribute a vaccine immediately when it is ready. It could be in October, it could be in November, the president said.

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Trump also said he had called Redfield to confront him with the statements he made to the Senate.

– But it was clear in your speech, did you say it? asked a reporter during the press conference.

– I think he was confused. When a vaccine is ready, we will begin distributing it immediately. The statement was not correct. I asked him what he meant by that, and I think he made a mistake, I think he didn’t understand the question.

This isn’t the first time that Donald Trump has contradicted US health officials and experts. In May, he called infection control expert Anthony Fauci’s response during a Senate hearing “unacceptable”:

Mouthpieces protect more than vaccines

During the Senate hearing, Redfield also said that wearing a mask “is the most important and powerful tool we have” for dealing with the crown.

– I can even go so far as to say that this mouthpiece is more guaranteed to protect me from covid than when I take a vaccine against covid, said the head of health, according to NPR.

More than 196,000 Americans have lost their lives after becoming infected with the coronavirus, according to the VG summary.

The subject of masks has been highly politicized in the United States. President Donald Trump has long refused to wear a face mask, while several Democrats have joined the fray over a bandage order.

However, President Trump believes that Redfield also made a mistake when he commented on this issue.

– When I called Robert today, I asked him “what about the bandages?” He said that he thought he had answered the question incorrectly. You have two questions, maybe he misunderstood both?

When asked if he had any confidence in Redfield, Trump said “yes.”

Redfield has yet to comment on Trump’s remarks. but he writes in a Twitter message right after the president’s press conference that he has full faith that a vaccine will allow Americans to live normally again. However, so far, the use of masks is one of the most important tools in the fight against the virus, he adds.

I should give the vaccine for free

The United States has steadfastly refused to join the global alliance that wants to ensure fair distribution of corona vaccines, a job in which Norway is at the forefront. Instead, the United States has pre-ordered hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines from various suppliers to insure Americans.

This week, federal health authorities and the Department of Defense presented a report to Congress with plans for how the entire population will receive the free vaccine, starting in January or before the New Year.

– Vaccination of the American population will not be a sprint, but a marathon, states the report, according to NTB.

It may be relevant to use approved vaccines from several different manufacturers. Most will need to be inserted twice, at intervals of 21 to 28 days.

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