– I only have good things to say about him – VG


SHIP’S DOCTOR: The Filipino doctor worked earlier this year on the Hurtigruten ship MS Roald Amundsen. Photo: Ingun A. Mæhlum

One of the ship’s doctors on board the MS Roald Amundsen is said to have died in a criminal incident in his home country.

Filipino national Arnold Hicarte was a ship’s medic aboard Hurtigruten’s MS Roald Amundsen ship earlier this year. According to Philippine media, Hicarte was shot and killed in a criminal incident in his home country. It was Nordlys who first wrote about the case in Norway.

VG has been in contact with Hurtigruten, which refers to the personnel agency OSM Maritime, which is the man’s employer.

– For the sake of the family, we will not give any comment other than that Dr. Hicarte has died, writes OSM Maritime General Manager Geir Arvid Sekkesæter in a text message to VG on Saturday night.

The death is said to have occurred in early October. There is nothing to suggest that death has anything to do with his work as a ship medic.

Dr. Karl-Børre Andersen worked with Hicarte for a week.

– I heard it today. It was a sad message to receive. I only have good things to say about him.

Andersen says that Hicarte was the ship’s regular medic on board and that he was an additional medic himself due to the crown situation.

– We got to know each other well and cooperate well. He was a skilled and conscientious colleague, Andersen tells VG.

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