I never thought I would be discharged from the hospital – VG


SHARE PHOTO: Alexei Navalny shared this photo from a park bench on Instagram a few hours after the hospital announced that he had been discharged. Photo: Navalnyjs Instagram-konto

The first time Navalny looked in the mirror after waking from the coma, she thought she could never get out of there. Now she speaks for the first time after getting sick.

The hospital wrote on Twitter Wednesday morning that Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is out of the hospital.

A few hours later, Navanlyj himself shares a photo of himself on his Instagram account, where he is sitting on a park bench.

– I never thought they would release me from the hospital, writes Alexei Navalny below the photo.

This is the first time we have heard directly from the leader of the opposition after he fell ill more than a month ago.

The team around him has continually shared updates on how it went, but the Instagram post testifies that it is Navalny himself who is telling it. However, he is silent about the poisoning or whether he plans to return to Russia.

AFTER THE COMA: This picture became part of Alexei Navalny from a hospital bed in Berlin after waking up from the coma. Photo: Navalnyjs Instagram-konto

Learn to stand on one leg

Navalny fell ill on a flight from Tomsk to Moscow and was admitted for the first time to a hospital in the city of Omsk, where the plane landed for Navalny to receive treatment. After two days there, he was transferred to the Charite Hospital in Berlin. The analyzes show that he was poisoned with the neurotoxin Novitsjok.

In the Instagram post, Navalny says that after 23 days in the hospital, 16 of them in a coma, he saw himself for the first time in the mirror and felt like he saw a figure from “The Lord of the Rings.” It was this that made him think that he might never leave the hospital.

– After 32 days in the hospital, the doctors decided that he no longer needed a 24-hour treatment, but a normalization of life. I can go and spend time with my family. I stumbled through the park in pants that were three sizes too big. First I asked to get to where there were trees, write below the image.

Now he has to train.

– I learn to stand on one leg, I take full control of my fingers. Keep the balance. It is funny. This summer I have dreamed of learning to wakeboard behind a boat. Now I am learning to stand on one leg.

You no longer need medical treatment

Navalny’s health has improved, the hospital writes in a press release issued in consultation with the politician himself.

– Out of a total of 32 days in the hospital, you have received intensive care for 24 days. Her health is good enough that she no longer needs medical treatment, the hospital writes on Twitter.

According to them, doctors believe that you can make a full recovery, but that late injuries from severe poisoning can only be evaluated later.

Last week, Navalny’s team announced that there was new information about how he was poisoned. According to them, it was not from a tea that he had at the airport before traveling to Moscow, but from the water from one of the water bottles in his hotel room.

Reuters writes on Wednesday that the Kremlin says Putin’s people have no access to the neurotoxin Novitsjok, whose analyzes show that Navalny was poisoned. They also say there are several falsehoods in a case in which Le Monde is said to have quoted Putin as saying that Navalny may have poisoned himself.

At the same time, they say they are happy with the news that Navalny is on the road to recovery and that, of course, he will be allowed to return to Russia like all other Russians.

– It remains to be seen if he wants to meet with Russian investigators to tell his case.

The case is being updated.

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