– I need to find out if there can be people there – VG


GJERDRUM / OSLO (VG) The rescue operation after the landslide continues at night until Tuesday. The hope is to find survivors in the cavities that search teams know to be found in the collapsed buildings.


The rescue operation in Gjerdrum continues until Monday evening and until Tuesday.

– It is a rescue operation and we are still looking for survivors, says police task leader Ivar Myrbø during a press conference at 6.30 pm on Monday.

An important reason why it is believed that survivors are still possible is that it has been established that there are cavities in the collapsed houses.

– We have seen that there are cavities in the drone images. Some of the houses are divided in such a way that there are cavities in the building, Myrbø tells VG.

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These are the missing and deceased after the landslide in Gjerdrum

If you are in such a cavity, it is possible to survive, if there are several other conditions.

– All damaged sites are different and all landslides are different, but you can survive for a long time under collapsed buildings. But the prerequisites must be present, says Medical Director of Health Hallvard Stave.

Cavities, water and insulation.

– There must be a cavity where you can stay. One must not be seriously injured. You must have insulating material around you to keep you warm and you must have a drink after so long. But it’s been less than six days. It is early if we speak of collapsed buildings. And that is why the focus is on collapsing buildings. We have to find out if there may be people in the cavities that we know are in the collapsed buildings in question. Then the rescue operation will determine how this will go, Stave continues.

Direct VG: Latest news on the landslide

According to operations manager Myrbø, at 6.30 pm, no new finds of people were made on Monday.

– It’s been less than six days, and it’s early when it comes to collapsed buildings, Stave answers questions about whether he’s likely to find survivors now.

– History has taught us that you can survive more than six days. We look for cavities in buildings. It requires optimal conditions for us to find someone alive. But since it is possible to find someone alive, we all go in, he continues.

APPLYING MORE: The rescue operation in Gjerdrum continues through Monday night. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

The intelligence battalion of the Armed Forces assists the police in the analysis of images and videos of drones.

– Through it, we locate buildings and limit the search to specific geographic areas in the landslide area, says Sjur Djupedal from the intelligence battalion.

Analyzes have pinpointed certain areas where missing persons are believed to be.

– It is likely that they are located in certain geographic areas, but we cannot be completely sure, says Djupedal.

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The Gjerdrum landslide disaster: therefore it takes time to identify the dead

SEE ALSO: Fast clay is found in many places in Norway and can cause landslides and major damage.
